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[ Johnnie sits on Jake's lap and does his eyeliner<33 ]
cw: heavy kisses/neck kisses, intimacy :3


Jake is currently mindlessly scrolling on his phone. Both thumbs scrolling as his eyes are rather glued and focused onto the little device in his hands.

Johnnie approaches Jake and taps his shoulder. The punk didn't seem to notice. He's chewing on his bottom lip, focused on scrolling and reading captions on posts and such.

Johnnie clears his throat and taps his shoulder again, slightly harder this time. Jake still hasn't realized. He stopped chewing on his lip however and started to bounce his leg.

At this point.. Johnnie didn't know what else to do, but he wants to get the punk's attention. So, he takes drastic measures.

Johnnie sits on his lap and wraps his arms around him. Jake's head shoots up when he feels the weight of Johnnie sitting onto him. His phone went limp in his hand, his breath caught in his throat.

The emo doesn't say anything, but he leans in closer to Jake, resting his head on his shoulder. He looks up at Jake, his face close to his neck.

"Heh-Hey." Jake stifled out, as his cheeks turned a bit rosy. He raised an eyebrow, looking at the emo in his lap. He placed one of his hands on Johnnie's lower back.

Johnnie smiles at Jake and gives him a small kiss on the cheek. He whispers in his ear, "I missed you."

"Yeah..? I was only gone for a car stream." Jake replied, chuckling a bit. "What's up..?"

Johnnie shrugs and smiles at Jake. "Nothing much. Just missed you." He kisses Jake's neck and rests his head on his shoulder again.

Jake tilts his head, feeling the neck kisses. Then he sees Johnnie's hand grabbing out some eyeliner from his pocket.

"Can I put eyeliner on you?" Johnnie asked as he smiled, showing the little eyeliner up to Jake's face.

Jake nodded his head.

Johnnie smiled and began to apply the eyeliner to Jake's eyes, he was careful not to poke his eye with the eyeliner pencil.

"Don't poke me," Jake muttered as his eyes twitched. Feeling Johnnie shift on his lap.

Johnnie laughed softly. "Don't worry, I won't." He said as he finished up the eyeliner on Jake's eyes. He smiled as he admired his work.

Jake looks at Johnnie with the dark eyeliner on his eyes now. He smirked a little, rubbing Johnnie's lower back. "Well?"

Johnnie's face went red, he didn't expect Jake to touch him like that. "You look hot." He said softly.

Johnnie was caught off guard, he wasn't expecting Jake to kiss him. He leaned into the kiss, enjoying it.

Jake pulled back, muttering. "You're so cute, baby."

Johnnie's face was bright red, he was speechless. "I-I'm not cute." He said, looking away.

Jake's hands rest onto Johnnie's hips. He gave a teasing smile, "So, you said you missed me, and now you're sitting in my lap??"

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