☆Couch Cuddling☆

177 9 15

Request: 1Emogurl1

[ Jake and Johnnie are cuddling and flirty on the couch while they hangout with Tara and Carrington :3 ]


Johnnie has his head resting on Jake's chest. He felt relaxed. Tara walks into the living room, yapping with Carrington.

Jake is carrying Johnnie bridal style, and he lays him on the couch, gently kissing his forehead before sitting down beside him.

"Someone's strong!!" Carrington teases with a laugh. Johnnie snickers as he gets laid down. Tara looks over, chewing her gum.

Jake rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles. "I am strong. And I can carry you too, if you'd like."

Tara and Carrington burst into a fit of laughter. Carrington says, "No way! Johnnie is lighter than all of us, well besides Tara." "HEY!" Tara yelled as she laughed.

Jake smiles, and looks over at Tara. "Don't get too mad, Tara. You're still my favorite girl." He then turns to Carrington "How about you, Carrington? Wanna see how strong I am?"

Johnnie is giggling as he sits up and scoots closer to Jake, hugging his arm.

Tara smiled and flipped her hair, "Thanks Jake."

Carrington bursts out laughing, "Bet!"

Jake chuckles and stands up, before picking Carrington up bridal style. He was a lot heavier than Johnnie, but Jake still managed to lift him. "Told you I was strong."

"Oh shit!" Carrington laughs as he gets set back down. Johnnie felt clingy, he reached for Jake. Tara noticed, "Jake? Johnnie wants you."

Jake smiles and walks over to Johnnie, picking him up and sitting him on his lap. "Hey there, little one. What's up?"

Johnnie grimaced at the nickname and in defense he says, "I'm 5'7, shut the fuck up." Tara laughs, "Yeah! I'm the little one here, dumbasses." Carrington shakes his head and laughs with them.

Jake chuckles, and ruffles Johnnie's hair. "Sorry, you're right, But you're still cute."

Johnnie looked at Jake , and he couldn't help but smile. Carrington says, "Someone is flirtatious." Tara giggled and nods her head. "Totally! they're totally flirting! my God it's so damn obvious."

Jake's face flushes red, and he looks away in embarrassment. "We're not flirting. I'm just... teasing him." Jake smirks, and leans in closer to Johnnie's face.

Johnnie noticed Jake leaned in, and he playfully shoved him, giggling a bit. Carrington decided to go upstairs, and Tara continued to yap with Jake and Johnnie. "You two are actually flirting with each other, it's kinda cuteeeee."

Jake laughs and shoves Johnnie back, before turning his attention to Tara* "What do you mean, it's cute? We're just teasing each other." He says, trying to act nonchalant, but the blush on his face says otherwise.

Tara smiled and rolled her eyes, "Teasing? no bro, total flirting with Johnnie."

Jake rolls his eyes as well, and sighs. "Whatever. We're not flirting. We're just... good friends." Johnnie looks over at Jake and smiles, clearly flirting with him.

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