☆Red-Hair Pets☆

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[ Jake secretly likes when Johnnie plays with his red hair. But he's in denial. <3333 ❤️🍓] (wholesome)

(Written in italics.)
CW: slight intimacy, yk Jake's head is on Johnnie's lap. :)


Jake is laying on the couch with Johnnie seated by him. A movie was playing in the background. It was just the two of them.

"Falling asleep?" Johnnie looks over, noticing Jake's eyes were a bit droopy as he was trying to stay focused on the movie that was playing in the dimly lit living room.

"No," Jake grunts sleepily in response. Scooting himself a bit closer to Johnnie. Wearing his usual comfy clothes, his red plaid pants and a gray tank.

Johnnie smiles at Jake's attempt to stay awake. He wraps his arm around Jake's shoulder and pulls him closer to him. "You should go to sleep."

A relaxed sigh left out of the strawberry dyed haired male lips, he lays his head onto Johnnie's lap.

Johnnie gently runs his fingers through Jake's hair, playing with the strands. He hums softly as he does so, looking down at Jake with a soft smile on his face, then back to the screen.

Jake felt Johnnie's fingers through his hair. He secretly likes it, but doesn't want to admit it. He looks away and goes back to the movie that was playing.

Johnnie keeps playing with Jake's hair, feeling the soft strands between his fingers.

He doesn't notice Jake looking away, as he is too focused on the movie. He continues humming softly, a small smile still on his face.

"Stop humming," Jake laughs softly. Glancing up at Johnnie, since he has his head laying on the emo's lap.

Johnnie laughs as well, stopping the humming and looking down at Jake. "Oh, am I annoying you?" He teases, running his fingers through Jake's hair again.

"Stop that," Jake moves Johnnie's hand away, in denial that he likes it. His red hair was a fluffy mess, all flippy and such.

Johnnie smirks and laughs again, trying to put his hand back on Jake's hair. "But it's so soft and fluffy. I can't help it."

"Nah!" Jake laughs, grabbing Johnnie's tatted hand. A genuine smile on his face.

Johnnie chuckles and pulls his hand back, pouting slightly. "You're no fun. Why can't I touch your hair? It's so soft and fluffy. I want to touch it again."

"Because it's weird!" Jake replied, in denial. The smile remained on his face, exposing his dimples.

Johnnie looks at Jake's dimples and can't help but smile as well. He chuckles and says, "You're cute when you're embarrassed. You know that?"

"Shut up, Johnnie" Jake laughs as he looks away and back to the screen. His head remains on the emo's lap. Red hair drapes across the emo's lap.

Johnnie chuckles again and looks back at the movie as well. He puts his arm back around Jake, still smiling. He pulls Jake a bit closer to him, not wanting to let him go.

Jake didn't mind, after all his head is literally on Johnnie's lap. He tucks up his plaid PJ covered legs. Making him appear smaller and cozier.

Johnnie glances down at Jake again, noticing how comfortable he looks. He gently rubs Jake's shoulder, trying to make him feel even more comfortable. His gaze returns to the movie, but he still keeps his arm around Jake.

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