☆"Jake's Mine."☆

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[ Johnnie is jealous that Carrington is giving Jake attention, and he wants to give Jake the attention rather.>:3 ]

Cw: jealousness, possessiveness (obv)

All three men were downstairs for their typical nightly movie time. Jake is seated between Carrington and Johnnie.

Johnnie is watching the movie, not really paying attention. He seems lost in his own thoughts, and he's not even trying to participate in the conversation with his friends. He's also eating popcorn and sipping a beer.

Carrington wraps his arm around Jake, laughing with a smile. "You're gonna fall asleep, aren't ya?" Jake snickers and shakes his head, "Nooo, not trying to."

Johnnie looks over at Jake and Carrington, rolling his eyes. He finishes his beer and throws the empty can at the TV, causing a loud crash.

"Oh shit!" Carrington says exclaimed. "Hey man! You okay?" Johnnie doesn't want to admit it, but he's jealous. He just forced a smile and said, "My hand slipped."

Jake starts to laugh, shaking his head. "You threw that shit, but okay."

Johnnie doesn't leave the room, he just stays put on the couch, trying to focus on the movie again.

Johnnie was sitting on the couch. while Jake was sitting next to him. Jake had his arm around Carrington, who was leaning on his shoulder. Johnnie couldn't help but feel jealous as he watched them.

"This is kinda nice, but I prefer my arm around you." Carrington says, sitting up and chuckling. Wrapping his arm around Jake and petting his hair.

Jake smiled at Carrington, but Johnnie's jealousy grew even more. Jake felt Carrington's fingers in his hair. Sighing in content as he is watching the screen. He glanced at Johnnie, "You okay?" he asked his emo best friend.

Johnnie looked over at Jake and forced a smile, but it was clear he was feeling uncomfortable. He didn't want to ruin the mood. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said, trying to sound convincing.

"Hm, okay." Jake looks back at the screen, feeling Carrington's fingers scratching his shaggy hair.

Johnnie continued to watch the movie, trying to ignore the fact that Jake was getting all the attention. He couldn't help but feel like Carrington was trying to steal Jake away from him.

He didn't know what to do, but he knew he couldn't just sit there and watch.

And as always, Jake falls asleep while watching the movie. His head slumps onto Carrington's shoulder. The light blue eyed male laughs as he pets Jake's head. "He always does this, Johnnie."

Johnnie couldn't help but laugh too. He had seen Jake fall asleep during movies countless times before, but this time it felt different.

Carrington seemed so close to him. He looked over at Carrington and smiled. "Yeah, he's always been like that," he said.

Carrington sighs, petting Jake's hair, feeling the shag-cut layers of hair. "He's kinda cute.."

Johnnie's eyes widened when he heard Carrington call Jake cute. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt a little jealous that Carrington was calling his best friend cute.

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