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[ Johnnie has a nightmare and Jake comforts him <33 ]


Shifting around in his bed, the emo's face scrunched up in discomfort. His black hair is a mess across the pillows, and tears started to roll down Johnnie's sleeping face.

Meanwhile the other male, Jake was laying next to him. He stirs awake when he feels the emo shifting around.

Jake gently caresses Johnnie's face, trying to wake him up. "No...no.." Johnnie mutters in his sleep, sniffing and crying as he rests. He rolled over, facing Jake now but still in a deep sleep.

Jake wipes Johnnie's tears and gently pulls him close, trying to make him feel safe.

Suddenly the emo screams, "NO!" as he sits up abruptly, covering his face and panting heavily into his tatted hands.

Jake sits up quickly, surprised by the scream. He places a hand on Johnnie's shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it was just a nightmare."

"Jake..?" Johnnie glanced over, his slept in makeup was a bit smeared since he was crying in his sleep.

Then he remembered Jake slept in his room tonight because they were drunk at the time and got home from a party.

Jake smiled softly, brushing Johnnie's hair out of his face. "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay? You were having a nightmare."

Johnnie sniffles a bit, a few more tears trickled down his face. "I don't know, I don't know." he mutters, looking around the room for a moment.

Jake takes Johnnie's hands, trying to comfort him "It's okay, you're safe. I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you."

Johnnie's head turned as soon as he felt Jake grasp his hands. He broke down into tears, saying, "In my dream.. yo-you said you didn't wa-want.. to be my- my friend an-any-anymore."

Jake's heart sank when he heard this. He pulled Johnnie into a tight hug, stroking his hair "I would never say that, Johnnie. I care about you so much, you mean everything to me. I don't know what I would do without you."

Johnnie hid his face into Jake's chest. Continuing to talk as his voice was shaky from crying and stuttering. "And, um.. then, yo-you got murdered at- at a p-par-party.. when-when i- I met up wi-with you there to sa-say sorry..."

Jake's eyes widened, and he squeezed Johnnie even tighter. "Hey, hey, it was just a dream, okay? It wasn't real. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Johnnie nods, moving his head back. He wipes his eyes. Then looks at Jake's top, noticing the black makeup smeared on his white tank. "Sorry.."

Jake chuckles softly. "It's okay, I don't mind. I can always wash it later. But what's important is that you're safe and okay now. Do you feel better?"

Johnnie sniffles, nodding his head a bit. "I think so, but it was so fucking scary.. I saw your entire bloody corpse and everything."

Jake's face pales, and he feels a shiver run down his spine. "Jesus Christ, that's terrifying. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I can't even imagine how scary it must have been. But like I said, it was just a dream, and I'm right here, alive and well."

Suddenly Johnnie panics, "Is this a sign you're gonna die soon?! Is our friendship gonna die out?! Who is it that's gonna murder you?!" his hands began to shake.

Jake holds Johnnie's hands to stop them from shaking. "Johnnie, calm down. This isn't a sign that I'm going to die soon. It was just a bad dream. And our friendship is not going to die out. We're going to be friends for a long time. I promise. And I have no idea who would want to kill me, let alone who could kill me."

His hands slowly stopped shaking as he takes a deep breath, Johnnie exhaled slowly. "Sorry.. I just, it's so scary I don't fucking know why my damn brain would create that shit. Maybe I watch too many horror movies, I don't fucking know."

Jake chuckles softly. "I understand, I get it. And I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be here for you, no matter what. Okay?"

"Okay." Johnnie replied, nodding his head. He began to calm down, pulling out reality and fiction.

Jake smiles softly and leans his head on Johnnie's shoulder. "Do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep?"

Johnnie left a little kiss onto Jake's head before he lay back down. "I think so, just stay with me. Don't go back to your room, please. I mean.. you were already here, so.. can you stay for the rest of the night?"

Jake's heart fluttered when he felt the kiss on his head. He nodded, laying down next to Johnnie. "Of course, I'll stay with you. I'll stay here all night, I promise. You don't have to worry about anything. I'm here for you."

"Thanks man, I love you." Johnnie mumbled as his head lay down onto Jake's chest.

Jake blushed slightly when he heard those words, but he smiled and hugged Johnnie tightly. "I love you too, man. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. Now get some rest, okay?"

Johnnie smiled as he returned the hug. He nods his head. "Mhm, and you're my best friend. Get some rest too, dummy."

Jake laughed softly. "Alright, alright. I will. Goodnight, Johnnie. Sweet dreams."

"Hopefully my dreams are sweet and not bitter." Johnnie replied as he snuggled close to his best friend, closing his eyes.

Jake wrapped his arms around Johnnie and pulled him close, trying to make sure he was comfortable. He gently stroked Johnnie's hair, hoping that he would have a peaceful sleep.

Which seemed to have worked, Johnnie falls asleep within seconds.

Jake smiled as he saw that Johnnie was asleep. He kissed his forehead softly before drifting off to sleep himself.

He slept peacefully, knowing that his best friend was safe and sound.

(The end)
(1,009 words)

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