☆Teen Romance☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie are teenagers and they fall in love!!!!!!! <333]

Written in italics :3
TW: self-harm/mental illness/su!cidal stuff mentioned!!!

Johnnie is sitting on the curb, watching the frap/basic styled man hang backwards on the monkey bars. "Dude, you're gonna fall." he says to Jake.

Jake turns his head to look at Johnnie. "Nah, man. I'm fine." He says, and keeps hanging backwards.

"Ok, but don't cry to me if you fall." Johnnie laughs as he bent down and retied his shoe.

"Shut up." Jake says, sticking his tongue out at Johnnie. The seventeen year old emo lifts his head up, sticking his tongue back at the sixteen year old frap boy.

"You're an emo, man." Jake says, laughing.

"yeah? and you're basic." Johnnie snickers as he gets up from sitting on the curb, walking over and flicking Jake's head jokingly.

"Hey! Don't touch me!" Jake jokingly says, swatting at Johnnie's hand. He then grabs Johnnie's wrist and pulls him closer. "You can't just flick my head, you know?"

A small wince left the emo boy's lips, as he pulled his arm back. He teasingly replied with, "I can do whatever i want." then burst into laughter when Jake fell into the bark chips.

Jake falls on his ass in the bark chips, and he groans in pain. "Shut up." He says, as he tries to get up, but slips again and falls on his back.

Johnnie covers his smile, laughing as he watches. "Bro, get up!" "I can't." Jake says, sounding like he's in pain. "I think I twisted my ankle."

"Oh shit, let me help you." Johnnie replied, helping Jake up. "Let's go sit on the playground structure for a while, it should be better after sitting down."

"Thanks." Jake says, as he sits down on the playground structure, putting his feet up on the slide. "Damn, my ankle hurts."

Johnnie watches Jake put his feet up against the slide. Johnnie is seated on one of the steps of the playground, legs tucked in.

"Hey, you wanna know something?" Jake says, looking at Johnnie.

"What?" Johnnie adjusts the furr hat on his head, then scratches at his sleeve.

"I think you're kinda cute." Jake says, not breaking eye contact with Johnnie. Johnnie looks away, a bit flustered. "Um, no. no." he denied.

" Yes. I do." Jake says, smirking.

Johnnie is looking at his sleeve now, his hand scratching at it again. His blue eyes looking at his sleeve.

Jake notices Johnnie scratching his sleeve, and asks, "Hey, why are you scratching your sleeve?"

Johnnie lifts his head and looks at the other teenager. "Oh uh.. I had an.. itch." he replied, 'smiling' a bit.

"Oh, I see." Jake says, not believing him. "I think it's more than just an itch." "-How's your ankle?" Johnnie asked, switching the subject.

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