☆Comparing Hand-Sizes☆

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[ just sum wholesomeness !!:D] [ i also have a completed jahnnie story called 'you're my savior' posted if u guys r interested!]


Johnnie is seated in the kitchen, and watches Jake getting himself a snack. His emo eyes traveled to Jake's hands.

Jake takes a spoon and eats some ice cream, then he notices him. "Hey, what are you doing up so late?"

Flicking his gaze away from the punk's hands, he looks up at Jake. "Because I usually am, duh... what about you?"

"I'm just getting a snack, you know, because I'm hungry." Jake smiles, but he can see a faint blush on his cheeks.

Johnnie tilts his head, his eyes looking at Jake's hand that is holding the bowl.

Jake notices the emo looking at his hand, so he stops eating and puts the finished bowl on the counter. He puts his hands in his pockets. "What are you looking at?"

"Your hands." Johnnie replied, simply. Watching how Jake sits next to him at the table.

"Why? Is there something wrong with them?" Jake asks, looking at his hands and then back at Johnnie.

"No," Johnnie shakes his head. "I've just noticed the small details, um. Like how bigger they are, you're double jointed in your fingers, you get your nails done, cigarette orange tinted finger, and some callouses on your hand from lifting weights." Johnnie says, holding Jake's hand now and looking at it, examining his fingers and such.

Jake lets Johnnie hold his hand, he blushes more, and he chuckles. "You're very observant, huh?"

"I guess so," Johnnie laughs. "My hand is much smaller than yours."

Jake chuckles and squeezes his hand gently. "Yeah, it is."

Lifting their hands, Johnnie placed his hand against Jake's, comparing the sizes.

Jake watches the other compare hands, and he notices that his hand is about 2x bigger. He smiles. "See, mine is much bigger."

"Not by muuuch, my fingers are just a bit smaller than yours." Johnnie says, looking at his tatted hand, much paler than Jake is.

"Yeah, you're right, but they're still smaller." Jake chuckles, and he looks at him, his pale skin and your tattoos. "You have a lot of tattoos, I never noticed that before."

Johnnie laughs a bit. "You see me everyday." He teased as he laced his hand with Jake's for a moment, squeezing it before letting go.

"Yeah, but I've never paid attention to the details of your body." Jake replies, then he looks down at his hand, feeling the touch. He can't help but smile at how nice it feels.

Johnnie points to his neck, "Three tatts here, spider, joker, and bat." he smiled, then shows his hands. "Love on this knuckle, hate on the other." he points to his face, "Moon. and two bats." Then he points to his hands again, "Rabbit, then uh, this one." he points to the other hand tattoo on his hate knuckled hand. "And uh, yeah."

Jake looks at his tattoos, admiring the details. He notices the hate knuckles and the word 'hate' on his hand. He raises an eyebrow. "Hate? Why do you hate?"

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