☆Watching Old Videos☆

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[ Jake is watching old videos from Johnnies YouTube account, but one struck him most of all... That video.]
[ CW: su*cidal stuff mentioned, mental illness briefly mentioned, you're warned.]


Johnnie was seated in his swivel chair. Clicking around on his computer, he is awake in his room.

Meanwhile Jake is in his room, laying on his bed and on his phone. He was bored and decided to check on Johnnie's YouTube account, just for the hell of it.

"Hm, what videos does Johnnie have in the past?" Jake asks, curious. He clicks on his phone the 'oldest' tab. He gasped at the sight, seeing how young Johnnie looks in these old videos, made 7-9 years ago.

Jake starts watching a few of the old videos, laughing at the awkwardness of Johnnie's younger self.

But then one certain video caught his eye. It had an unnerving title. 'I Tried To Kill Myself.' and it was made in 2014, 10 years ago.

Jake pauses his clicking, feeling a sense of dread. He knows that he shouldn't watch it, but his curiosity gets the better of him.

Jake paused his clicking about, and stared at the thumbnail, the views, and the title most of all.

Jake hesitates, but he can't resist. He clicks on the video and starts watching. He sees Johnnie, looking much younger and more vulnerable than he's ever seen him before. Johnnie is sitting on the floor, looking straight into the camera with a blank expression.

In the video, Johnnie's voice sounded higher, and he says he's seventeen and is talking about his depression, suicidal thoughts, and about his experience with his dead father.

Jake watches the video all the way through, seeing in the video of the young version of Johnnie crying on the camera and such.

He sighed, he knows this is a decade later, and suddenly he thinks about Johnnie, that is in the next room.

Jake watches the video with a heavy heart, feeling like he's seeing a different side of Johnnie that he never knew existed. He feels a sense of sadness and empathy for Johnnie, knowing that he must have been going through a lot of pain at the time.

Jake is shocked by the fact that Johnnie was so open about his struggles online, but was also grateful so other people can watch this and know that they aren't alone with their struggles.

He clicks off the video once it ends, he needs to check on Johnnie. His mind was racing about the emo male now.

Jake gets up from his bed and walks over to Johnnie's room. He knocks on the door, but there's no answer. He knocks again, a little louder this time.

Johnnie had his headphones on, playing a game on his computer. He didn't hear the first knock, but then heard the second one. "Yeah???!" he calls out.

"Hey, can I come in?" Jake asks, his voice soft and hesitant. Johnnie pauses his game. Taking off his headphones and hearing his bedroom door open.

Jake walks into the room and sits down on the edge of Johnnie's bed. He takes a deep breath, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.

Johnnie noticed Jake's behavior was a bit off. He smiled towards his friend, "What's up man?" he asks, tilting his head a bit. Before he fixed his emo fringe, since it was a bit of a mess from him wearing headphones.

"I, uh... I saw your old video," Jake says, his voice still soft and hesitant. He's not sure how Johnnie will react to him bringing up such a sensitive topic.

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