☆I'm Not Perfect☆

106 2 1

Request by: youenne_

[CW: heavy kisses !!! ]


Johnnie is currently sleeping inside of his room. Shirtless with the blanket slightly draped over his top-half. Jake was laying next to him, admiring him.

Jake takes a deep breath and starts to get a bit closer to Johnnie, gently running his fingers through his hair.

Johnnie grunts in his sleep. He has no idea Jake sneaked into his room. His eyebrows furrowed together for a moment, which caused his eyebrow piercing to shift. "Mhh.."

Jake giggles a little bit at the sound of Johnnie's grunting, and continues to stroke his hair.

He's so close to Johnnie's face now that he can feel his breath on his cheek.

Slowly, the emo's slept in makeup eyes opened. "Jake..?" He groggily mumbled in his sleep. "What..? what are you doing here, mhh..?"

Jake smiles and kisses Johnnie's forehead, before pulling him into his arms and nuzzling his neck. "Nothing, love. Just making sure you're okay."

Johnnie knew Jake was worried about him, since the last couple days the emo has been sleeping all day.

"Oh, I'm okay.." Johnnie mumbled as he sits up a bit, his emo hair a bed-headed mess.

Jake sits up as well, brushing some of Johnnie's hair out of his face. He can't help but smile when he sees the emo's messy hair, and he kisses him on the forehead again. "You sure? You've been sleeping a lot recently."

Johnnie yawned into his palm. Blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes. "Yeah, just going through a moment. But, I'll live. least, I'll try to."

Jake frowns slightly, worried about Johnnie. He doesn't like it when Johnnie is sad or upset. He wraps his arms around him and pulls him into his lap, hugging him tightly. "If you ever need to talk, you can always come to me. I'm here for you."

Johnnie blushes a bit when he is seated in Jake's lap. He wraps his arms around Jake's neck, and looks up at the taller. "You worry too much,"

Jake chuckles, brushing his thumb over Johnnie's cheek. He loves seeing him blush, it's so cute. "I can't help it. I care about you a lot, and I don't want you to be sad."

"I'm not perfect." Johnnie replied as he is looking deeply into Jake's eyes.

Jake suddenly says, "Yes you are, You're perfect. You're so cute, you know that? Your smile, your laugh, your emo hair... It's all so adorable."

"No, I'm not perfect." Johnnie remarked, chuckling. "Even got the tattoo." He looks at his chest, looking at his 'I'm Not Perfect' tattoo.

"And you know what else? You're perfect in my eyes. Everything about you is perfect to me. Your eyes, your smile, your personality... You're just... Perfect." Jake says, admiring the emo.

"No I'm not!" Johnnie shakes his head, looking away from his tattoo and giggling. "Stop it."

Jake laughs, gently turning Johnnie's face back towards him. "Yes you are! You're the most perfect boy I've ever met. And if you say otherwise, I'll keep telling you until you believe me."

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