☆Nonverbal Shutdown☆

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[ Jake has a autistic nonverbal shutdown/overload and Johnnie helps him through it. <3 ]

Today seemed normal, but something is off. Johnnie is awake downstairs, it is 11AM, and Jake.. is asleep. Which isn't like him.

Johnnie is scrolling on his phone, thinking maybe Jake needed time to sleep in, but this still wasn't like him.

He knows Jake wakes up at 8AM sharp everyday, so it was an odd occurrence for the punk to still be sleeping.

Meanwhile in the other room, Jake grunts as he slowly wakes up. Squinting his eyes when the sunlight hits his face. It was.. overly bright. He opened his eyes and immediately covered his face, muttering "fuck" underneath his breath.

Something was off, Jake didn't like it. He rolls to the side in his bed. And grabs his phone off the nightstand. He clicks it on, and sees it's 11:07AM.

Jake abruptly sits up now, which resulted into him accidentally hitting his head. He hissed and held the back of his head, fingers gripping his red dyed locks. "ouch..."

Jake pushes the blanket off him, he feels hot. The room felt stuffy. He shakes his head as he gets out of bed. Grabbing his tanktop off the floor and slipping it on over his shirtless self.

He walked in his boxers to his drawer and grabbed out his usual pair of red plaid PJ pants and slipped them on. He didn't want to dress up today, he couldn't. He felt so overwhelmed this morning, he woke up late.

Walking himself to the bathroom, he flicked the light switch on. He washed his face. And now is Staring at himself in the mirror. He suddenly groans, flapping his hands for a moment before he fluffs up his hair. Making his red-locks a little messy and then he walked out.

Jake grunts, as he walks down the stairs. Seeing Johnnie sitting on the couch on his phone.

Johnnie is watching some music videos on his phone when he sees Jake come down the stairs. He pauses the video and puts his phone down. "Are you ok?" He asks, his voice sounding a pinch worried.

The red-head didn't reply, he just made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge...no root beer. Looking around, no diet coke either. He grunts softly as he checks the cabinet, no decaf. Great, he doesn't have a morning drink either.

Johnnie gets up from the couch and follows Jake into the kitchen."Hey,.." He says, Watching how Jake is looking around the kitchen for any signs of caffeine.

"None of it?" Johnnie asks, sounding confused.

"Out." Jake replied, clicking his tongue in a bit of agitation. He woke up late, and now he can't have his morning drink either. His routine was starting to be thrown off.

Johnnie sighs, feeling bad for Jake. "Sorry, I didn't realize that we were out of your favorite drinks. I can go out and buy some if you want?" He offers, not wanting to see Jake upset.

Jake simply just shakes his head, trying to think positive. It's just a drink, he'll be fine... right? He grabs a glass from the cupboard and fills it with water. Drinking water instead.

Johnnie watches Jake fill up a glass with water and drink it. He smiles at Jake. "I know it's not the same as your usual morning drink, but at least you're still getting something." He says, trying to cheer Jake up.

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