
110 6 3

Request: johnnieguilbertluvr

[ Jake purposes Johnnie during dinner <33 ]


The couple is out for dinner tonight, and Jake feels nervous. Johnnie is happily munching on a chicken tender, as his emo makeup covered eyes look up at Jake.

Jake smiles at Johnnie, feeling a bit more at ease. He reaches across the table and holds his hand, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of it.

"You've been quiet." Johnnie raises an eyebrow, since Jake is never usually this quiet. He sets his food down and picks up his drink, sipping it.

"Sorry, I've just been thinking about something." Jake smiles and leans back in his chair. He lets go of Johnnie's hand and takes a sip of his drink. "I have a surprise for you."

Johnnie giggles. "A surprise?" He sounded intrigued but a little confused. He rests his head on his hands, looking at Jake.

Jake suddenly felt super nervous. He grips the small black box that is stuffed in his formal pants, he nods. "But let's enjoy this food first."

"Okay..?" Johnnie laughs a bit, watching Jake cut into his steak. Before going back to eating his own food. "How's your night, babe?"

"My night's been great. I've been enjoying myself. Especially now that I'm with you." Jake smiles and reaches over to take Johnnie's hand again. "How's your night been?"

"Pretty good. Curious on this surprise though." Johnnie smiled, biting his lip piercing.

Jake laughs softly and squeezes Johnnie's hand. "You'll find out soon enough. I promise." He takes another bite of his steak and then swallows.

Johnnie squeezes Jake's hand. "You know, I just realized something.. we've been friends for a while and been dating.. Ain't that weird to think about? Like, we literally started dating since that time we kissed each other drunk at Tara's party?"

Jake nods and chuckles. "It is a little weird, but I don't regret it at all. I think that kiss was the best thing that's ever happened to us." He smiles and looks into Johnnie's eyes. "Do you regret it?"

Johnnie scoffed, "No! fuck, no. I don't regret shit." he replied, defensively.

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's defensive tone. "I'm glad to hear that. Because I really love you, and I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything in the world." He takes another sip of his drink, feeling content and happy.

They both finished dinner, now it's time. Jake watches Johnnie stand up, quickly Jake walks over.

Jake takes Johnnie's hand and leads him out of the restaurant. They walk through the parking lot, and Jake pulls out a black box. "Here, I'm ready to give you your surprise."

"Wait.." Johnnie muttered, watching Jake getting down on one knee. Jake smiles up at Johnnie and opens the box, revealing a small diamond ring inside.

"Will you marry me?"

He looks at Johnnie, his heart racing and his face flushed with excitement.

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