☆"Jake's Mine"Pt2☆

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Request by: GiannaPagan903

[ Carrington finds out that Johnnie and Jake are in a relationship, and Johnnie is more possessive and protected of Jake ]

CW: arguments, emotional stuff, graphic/harsh insults and threats!


"Jake..?" Johnnie calls out as he is seated at the kitchen table, he looks pretty anxious at the moment.

"Huh? What is it?" Jake asks as he walks in the kitchen.

"I'm nervous to tell Carrington about us." Johnnie says as he gets up from his seat and walks over. Hugging onto Jake.

Jake wraps his arms around Johnnie. "I know you're nervous, but I promise it'll be fine. Carrington will understand."

"Will he?" Johnnie mutters as he lifts his head up and tucks it into the crook of Jake's neck, kissing it.

Jake chuckles and kisses the top of Johnnie's head. "Of course he will. He's a good guy. He'll be happy for us"

"Okay.. because you're mine, and I don't want him to try and take you away," Johnnie looks up and into Jake's eyes.

Jake smiles and strokes Johnnie's cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours, and you're mine. Nobody can take me away from you."

There conversation paused when Carrington walked down the stairs. "Hey buddies! How are ya?" He asks as he grabs a can of soda from the fridge. "Heard you had to talk with me about something?"

Jake sighs and looks at Carrington. "Yeah, we do have something to talk about..."

Johnnie, Jake and Carrington are now seated at the table. Johnnie was being extra clingy, hugging onto Jake and hiding his face into Jake's neck, breathing in the punk's scent.

Jake smiles at Johnnie, but keeps his focus on Carrington. "So... me and Johnnie are dating now"

Carrington's smile flattened. Immediate jealousy and anger rushed through him. "What?" He asked.

Jake sighs and puts his arm around Johnnie, hoping it would calm him down, since he saw Johnnie was beginning to be anxious. "It's true, we're dating. I love him, and he loves me. We've been keeping it a secret for a while now, but we thought you should know."

Carrington scoffs. "Why are you dating him?!" he suddenly yelled. Johnnie lifted his head now, looking at Carrington.

"Jake! you should be with me! not him!" Carrington suddenly says, voice rising.

Jake stays calm, not wanting to start a fight. "Look, I know you have feelings for me, but I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry, but Johnnie is the one I want to be with. He makes me happy, and I love him. I hope you can respect that."

Carrington scoffs and shakes his head. Tossing the can of soda he finished, the can makes a loud sound as it flew across the room.

Jake is startled by the sound of the can hitting the wall, but he keeps his composure. "Carrington, I understand that you're upset, but please don't take your anger out on us or our relationship. We haven't done anything wrong."

Johnnie is hugging onto Jake's arm
tighter now, as Carrington's shouts enter the kitchen. "You're fucking with me! You literally flirted with me at multiple parties for the past couple weeks, and now you wanna date this emo loser?!"

Jake sighs and looks at Carrington, feeling a little annoyed. "I was just being nice to you, Carrington. I never flirted with you. And don't call Johnnie an emo loser, he's my boyfriend and I love him."

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