☆Social Cues R Difficult☆

91 4 5

[ Johnnie is flirting with Jake and confessing his feelings, and it goes right over Jake's head XD ]


It was a typical evening in the house. Jake just finished streaming in his car, and now he's sitting on the couch. Mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

Johnnie was walking around, looking for Jake. He eventually found him on the couch, and walked over to him.

Jake lifted his gaze, before looking back at his phone. Looking at his text messages from other friends that he hasn't answered.

Johnnie nudged Jake, to get his attention.

Johnnie kept nudging Jake, and eventually he gave up on subtlety and said, "Hey Jake, can I talk to you about something?"

Jake's typing stopped once he finished texting other people. He FINALLY felt Johnnie's nudging and looked over. "Hi!"

Johnnie sat down next to Jake. "Hey, Jake. I have something to tell you."

"What?" Jake asked.

Johnnie leaned in closer to Jake and spoke in a soft voice. "You know, you're looking really cute tonight." He said, looking into Jake's eyes.

Jake laughs, looking at his phone. "Yeah?"

Johnnie was taken aback by Jake's lack of response. He tried again, a little more boldly this time. "I mean it, Jake. You're absolutely stunning."

"Are you drunk?" Jake laughs, looking over to the emo.

Johnnie rolled his eyes. "I'm not drunk, I'm just being honest. And you know what? You're so beautiful that I can't stop thinking about you." He said, his tone shifting to a more serious one.

Jake wasn't understanding, it was going right over his head. He just laughed again. "And you're hot too Johnnie." he says, playing it off.

Johnnie was getting frustrated. He wanted Jake to take him seriously and to stop laughing. He moved closer to Jake and spoke softly again. "Jake, I'm being serious. I like you. I've liked you for a long time now."

"Of course I like you too, you're my best friend." Jake replied, he wasn't understanding the seriousness of the situation.

That's when Johnnie realized, this is going right over Jake's head. Since he has a bad time understanding tones and social cues.

Johnnie groaned in frustration. He couldn't believe that Jake was so oblivious. He was starting to feel embarrassed. "Jake, I'm trying to tell you that I'm in love with you." He said, his voice becoming louder and more desperate.

"What now?!" Jake's mouth dropped, laughing a bit.

Johnnie was speechless. He couldn't believe that Jake was laughing at him. He was so humiliated and hurt that he didn't know what to say. "You're laughing at me?!" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Wait wait wait!" Jake sets his phone down and pulls Johnnie into a hug. "No, Johnnie I'm just trying to grasp the situation."

Johnnie was surprised by the hug but he quickly relaxed into it. He wrapped his arms around Jake and buried his face in his chest. He was still embarrassed but he was glad that Jake was finally taking him seriously.

"Are you serious, serious? Or joking serious? Or just joking?" Jake asked as he pulled back from the hug. "I can't tell... are you pranking me?"

Johnnie took a deep breath and looked Jake in the eyes. "I'm serious. I'm in love with you. I have been for a long time." He said, his voice trembling slightly.

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