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Jake, Carrington and Johnnie are in the car heading to chilli's for lunch. Johnnie is seated in the passenger seat, Carrington in the back and Jake driving.

Jake is listening to the radio and occasionally looking over at Johnnie. "How are you doing, Johnnie?"

"Existing." Johnnie responded. Carrington snickers at the simple remark.

Jake smiles. "You got that right. How was the party?"

"Good, a bit hungover but I'll live." Johnnie replied. Carrington scoots himself up, "Are we almost there??"

"Almost, Carrington. Chill." Jake turns the music down a little bit, still glancing over at Johnnie.

"Yeah, he needs to chill at Chilli's" Johnnie jokes, Carrington bursts into laughter.

Jake laughs along, looking over at Carrington. Before looking back to the road as he drives.

Chilli's pulled up into view.

Jake parks the car and turns it off. "We're here." He unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car.

"Fuck yeah!" Carrington says, getting out. Johnnie gets out too, watching Jake put on sunglasses.

Jake looks over at Johnnie and notices him watching him. "What are you looking at?" He smirks.

Johnnie turned his head. "shut up" he responded and laughed softly. He feels Jake grasp his hand. Johnnie holds onto Jake's hand in return. Carrington watches but shrugs his shoulders as the three walk inside.

Jake smiles and gives Johnnie's hand a squeeze as they walk inside. "What do you want to eat?" He looks around at the menu as he walks towards a booth.

Carrington, Johnnie and Jake sit at the booth. Johnnie and Jake next to each other. Carrington on the other side. They first ordered drinks, and of course - Jake speaks up and orders Johnnie a martini.

Jake grins at Johnnie as he orders the emo a martini. "I know you too well." He laughs and turns his attention back to the menu. "I'm thinking about getting a steak. How about you two?"

"Ummm," Carrington hums as he is looking at his menu. "We should pick out appetizers, Johnnie."

Johnnie covers his face before looking back up to Jake. "You ordered me a Martini.. I just - oh my God.. ok, no, that's fine. sure" he laughs.

Jake laughs along with Johnnie. "I know what you like. No need to deny it." He grins and looks back at Carrington.

"I'm thinking about getting the jalapeno poppers and the chicken tenders. What about you, Jake?" Carrington replied.

"Ooh, chicken tendiiessss." Johnnie responded as their drinks get set down. Carrington with water, Jake with water with a lemon, and Johnnie.... alcohol.

Then Jake speaks up, "Oh can we get a blue one too?" he starts to laugh. Johnnie is awkwardly smiling, as he starts to laugh. "yeah, let's get me a blue one"

the waiter nods with a chuckle, writing this down.

Jake watches Johnnie as he awkwardly smiles, finding it adorable. He laughs and turns his attention back to the waiter. "That'll be all for now. Thank you."

The waiter nods, "I'll circle back and see what you guys want to eat, if you're still deciding" then the waiter walks off. Johnnies mouth is dropped, he looked at Jake. "You fuckin ordered me- so far, two drinks.. oh my God.. ok, yummy in my tummy I guess" Johnnie lifts his martini, sipping it.

Carrington laughs. "Yeah, we need to get a third."

Jake laughs and sips his water, looking over at Johnnie. "I know you can handle it. I've seen you drink more than that before." He smirks. "And I like spoiling you."

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