☆Hanging Out W/ Friends☆

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Request: 1Emogurl1

[ Jake and Johnnie are openly a couple and Tara knows ^_^ but one of her friends is unsupportive with their relationship! ]

cw/tw: h0m0phobia
(I chose a random name for tara's friend, all fictional!)


Jake and Johnnie are holding hands as they're hanging out at Tara's place today.

Tara leans forward and grabs Johnnie's arm, pulling him towards her "Hey, Johnnie. Come here for a sec."

"What?" Johnnie asked, laughing a bit. Jake watches her, and jokingly says, "Tryna steal my man?"

Tara laughs as she lets go. "No, but I have a friend you two can meet!" She gets up to go fetch her friend.

Johnnie and Jake share a confused look before Jake shrugs. "Sure, we don't mind meeting your friend."

Tara giggled as she got her friend. The woman walks next to her, bright long platinum dyed blonde hair and green eyed.

Jake kinda got a off feeling about the woman.. He stands up and shakes her hand. "Hi there, I'm Jake."

She smiles sweetly and takes his hand. "Hi Jake, I'm Lily. I've heard a lot about you." she looks at him with a playful grin, obviously flirting with him.

"Ouh yeah?" Jake chuckles, her flirting going right over his head. Johnnie catches on though, but he wants to be respectful. He stood up and shook her hand. "I'm Johnnie."

She shakes his hand and then turns back to Jake, stepping closer to him "Mhm, Tara told me all about you. She said you're a really great guy." she says in a low voice, leaning against him slightly.

Tara laughs, "Yeah! he's the best ex-boyfriend ever! Hey Johnnie? Can you help me get some drinks from the fridge with me?!"

Johnnie huffs a bit, he didn't want to leave Jake alone but he nods. He trusts his boyfriend. He walks with Tara to help her out in the kitchen.

Lily grins and wraps her arm around Jake's waist, pressing her body against his. She leans her head against his shoulder, staring at him seductively. "I can see why she loved you so much." She says, her voice soft and alluring

Jake was so oblivious to her flirting, he just smiled at her, being friendly. And moved back as he watched Johnnie and Tara enter back into the living room.

Lily bites her lip and leans closer to him, whispering in his ear. "you're really nice."

Jake nervously chuckles as he sits down on the couch with Johnnie. It was a bit uncomfortable when he heard her whisper. Tara was yapping with Johnnie, so the two haven't noticed.

Lily chuckles as well, thinking she's being slick. "Come on, Jake. You know you want me. Don't deny it." she says, sliding closer to him and brushing her leg against his.

Jake moved his leg. He leaned a bit over to Johnnie and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze to get his attention.

Johnnie looks at Jake and notices how uncomfortable he is. He quickly stands up and walks over with him to the kitchen. Leaning down to whisper in his ear." Is she bothering you?"

Tara suddenly says, "Johnnie?! Jake?! why'd you go in the kitchen?! Gonna make out?" She laughs. Suddenly Lily makes a disgusted face.

Jake whispered back to Johnnie, while they were in the other room away from Tara and Lily. "I don't know man, this Lily girl is kinda weird." it was still over his head, and Johnnie knew Lily was flirting with him.

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