Prologue: (Unedited)

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Versailles 1776:

Everyone was elegantly dressed as this building was nothing, but a fancy place where fancy people like my mother goes to for business. The whole event was filled with chatter and laughter as my green eyes roam over the people sipping bubbly drinks. It was what I wanted to do and be just like my mother. She holds her head up high as she walks with grace as a female should. She got nods and I got nods as well. I courtesy the people who gave me attention before hurrying to join my mother once more. 

We began walking across an elegant lounge room heading though somewhere I have yet to figure out. The room was filled with a smaller group of people, but the chatter was still going on. The room was vibrating with color and laughter still. Everyone seems to be having a good time and I was enjoying being here to see all of this. It was common enough to bring children to events like this. It was nothing, but a celebration of some kind. I don't really know why as I never ask my mother what was going on. 

A familiar voice catches my attention "Madeline!" 

I look over to see a familiar face with light blue eyes and red hair that almost match mine, but was a lot darker than hers. "Elise!" I said with pure happiness at seeing my friend here as well. 

We did a formal greeting just like our mothers taught us as Elise said "It's wonderful to see you, Madeline." 

"As to you as well, Elise," I said with a smile on my face. 

My mother chuckled "Oh, you girls. I'm afraid Madeline can't play with you today, Elise. I need her with me for today." 

Elise smiles up at my beautiful mother "No, not at all, Mrs. Wellington. I will not keep you guys long then." 

"Thank you, Elise. You're a sweet girl. Come along, Madeline." My mother said giving a slight bow to Elise as Elise returns it. 

I smile at her as she smiles back before waving at me. I follow my mother once more as we went down a grand hallway with chandeliers at the top of the ceiling. It was a beautiful hallway and it was elegant in the least. We turn down a different hallway as my mother came to a door and open it as she let me go in first. There was no one here as I look around as my mother guided me over to a chair. "Now, Madeline, I want you to wait for me here. Do you understand?" My mother said. 

I nodded my head "Yes, mother." 

"Good. I shall be back in a few, don't go running off now." She murmured kissing the top of my head before taking her leave. 

Once the door closed, I let out a sigh as I look out the window to see the trees and a little garden out front. It was beautiful. Why do I need to wait here? Why couldn't I spend time with Elise? Another sigh escapes from me as I didn't understand. I got up and went out into the hallway to look around. I know my mother said not to, but how can a girl just sit still? I walk down the hallway where we came from as I took the other hallway. 

It was a little confusing as I ended up in another hallway. I saw a group of people standing around as I didn't understand what had happened here. I walk forth and when I came closer. I saw a guy on the floor with blood on his clothes. My hand went to my mouth as I felt horror struck me. A shattering sound of glass jolted me out of my haze as I look over to a boy staring horrified at the man on the floor. I realize what had shattered on the floor and it was a pocket watch as he quickly picks it back up. Elise was there as well standing behind her father, but I didn't know the boy. 

A familiar hand gently steer me away from the horror of what happened. It was my mother as she grips my hand to lead me away from the scene of what happened. I look over my shoulder and saw the boy watching me leave. I look away and follow my mother. 

I felt sorry for the boy... 


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