Chapter 1

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Zoe's POV

I don't have friends. I guess you could call me an outcast. It's sad, I guess. But I don't really need friends. I have my family and school to focus on.

The bell rings and I pack up my stuff. "Zoe, could I speak to you for a moment please?" I walk over to Ms. Wrights desk and bounce on my heels.

"Is something wrong?" I clutch my books to my chest and bite my lip.

"You haven't done anything wrong, it's actually another student of mine. He's falling behind in his work and isn't doing very well. I'm offering for you to tutor him. It would be great experience and could also help you in your own work. It will be a challenge but it will be worthwhile in the end." Why not? I have nothing better to do.

"Sure." I shrug my shoulders and grin.

"Excellent! Could we meet here tomorrow at the start of lunch? I just need to speak to him about it." I nod my head and she flashes her coffee stained teeth at me.

When I get out of the classroom, I sigh in relief. This could be fun. But she used up fifteen minutes of my break so now I have less studio time. I throw my books into my locker and walk quickly over to the music rooms. Mr. Blair always leaves one of the rooms open for me. He likes to encourage my 'talent'.

I decided earlier today that I needed to practise the bass so I pick up the instrument and sit down on a chair. I strum a few chords for a little while before getting up and grabbing my sheet music.

I hum along with the tune and smile to myself. Music just helps me to relax. I get a bit carried away and start singing as well.

I jump as the door squeaks. I stop playing and look over to it. My heart pounds in my chest as I place the bass down. I don't know why I'm so scared. It's lunch time and people are everywhere.

I quickly yank the door open to see a boy with dark brown hair standing in front of me.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. You're really good." I quirk an eyebrow at him and slowly nod.


"I'm Calum." He smiles and I nod again awkwardly.


"Would you mind if I listened to you play some more?"

"I was just leaving actually. Sorry." I shut the door behind me and he nods.

"Ok. Maybe another day then." He follows me down the hallway. "I play the bass as well. You've probably heard of our band? Five Seconds of Summer." I nod my head and pick my pace up a little more. I've heard of them. Everyone in this school loves them. How could I not hear of them?

He keeps following me when we get out to the main hallway so I stop and look at him. "Look Calum. Can we just forget you saw me playing? It would be greatly appreciated." His face falls.

"Ah sure. But why? You're amazing." I shake my head and sigh.

"Just.. please." I smile weakly at him. "I have to go now." He nods and let's me walk away from him. "Bye Calum." Why is it when anyone talks to me it's usually because they want something?

"Zoe, right?" See?

"Yeah." The girls in front of me smile sweetly, but it looks so fake.

"Why was Calum Hood just talking to you?" She wants gossip. I roll my eyes and look back the way I came.

"Um," I sigh. "I don't really know. He was just talking about his band." The head fakezilla scrunches up her nose and looks to the girl on her left.

"Oh. Ok. Thanks anyway Zia!" She beams a smile and I quirk an eyebrow at her strange behaviour.

"It's Z-"

"Bye Zia." They all walk off and I watch them as they go. I don't understand why some people are so obsessed with gossip.


Yesterday, Ms. Wright asked me to tutor one of her students for her. I didn't realise that she meant Ashton Irwin.

I look up at the tall, muscular boy in front of me and sigh.

"Zoe? Are you listening?" I quickly whip my attention to Ms. Wright standing next to him.

"Of course." I have no idea what she just said.

"Good. Well, with that said then, I'll be off. You can work out the times that are best for both of you." I smile at her and she walks back to her staffroom.

I turn to look at Ashton but he's already walking away.

"Where are you going?" I call after him and he stops.

"To the cafeteria." He points in the direction of the cafeteria and I sigh.

"When are we going to work out our schedule?" He groans and keeps walking.

"Come with me then." I hesitate before following behind him to the cafeteria.

He buys his food while I wait, then we head out to the courtyard. We sit down under a tree and he sighs.

"I don't really care when we do this." He pauses to take a bite out of his sandwich. "Just as long as it doesn't interfere with practice."

"Trust me, I have things to do as well." I murmur and he swallows his bite.

"I can do after school and every second Saturday." I nod my head trying to figure out when I was free.

"Saturday will work for me but-"

"Hey man!" I look up at the voice that interrupted me. That was very rude. "Who's this?" He nods at me as he sits down.


"What up Zoe? I'm Luke." I nod my head and try to restrain myself from rolling my eyes. Of course I know who he is.

"So anyway." I continue, ignoring Luke.

"Ah.." Ashton cuts me off. Why do people feel the need to always cut each other off? "Monday's, Wednesday's and second Saturday's?" Does he not want Luke to know?

"Ah.. Yeah. See you tomorrow then."

"Bye sexy." I stop walking away and turn to look at Ashton's smirking face. Is he really going to be an asshole around his friends?

I storm away and head for the music studios.

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