Chapter 53

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Zoe's POV

The rest of the day at Lucy's was spent swimming and laying by the pool like she said. The boys wouldn't stop racing each other and Ashton went until he basically collapsed. I must have drifted off to sleep for a few hours as when I woke the sun was starting to set.

Lucy puts her magazine down when I look up at her. "Oh you're awake." She says while swinging her legs of her sun lounge and stretching her arms out.

"Where are the others?" I ask her and she points towards the house.

"There's a party on tonight so they're all getting ready inside." I repeat the action she did before getting up and following her inside to the others. When I get there I'm surprised to see the boys dressed in something other than board shorts like they wore here.

"Zoe!" Luke calls out to me and I walk towards them. I suddenly feel underdressed compared to the rest of them. When I approach Ashton pats his lap and I settle on top of him.

"I'll let you know when Kat is out of the shower." Lucy says to me as she walks up the stairs to her room.

"Why did no one wake me up?" I say clearly feeling like I should have been with them instead of sleeping.

"We weren't doing anything so we thought you needed some sleep." Luke laughs and Ashton slides his arm around my waist making me very aware of him and what I'm wearing.

"Did you guys go home or something?" I look at their attire and Calum nods.

"I wanted us to wear matching outfits but Luke said no." He pouts causing me to laugh at him.

"I should probably go see what Lucy has for me to wear." I say more to myself than any of the boys and I get off Ashton's lap. He follows me out of the room and I don't turn around until I get to the top of the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" I say to him knowing the other girls are in Lucy's room changing.

"I'm not going anywhere, why do you ask?" He gives me a sly smile and placed his hands on my hips.

"You're not allowed in that room." I giggle as he kisses me softly clearly playing around.

"I know, but I have something for you." He kisses me once more before grabbing a bag sitting by my feet at the top of the stairs I didn't even notice. He hands it to me and inside I see one of my dresses I hardly wear because they require somewhere to wear them.

"Did you go to my house?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I went in the usual way. As much as I love you in Lucy's clothes, I don't think I could control myself if I had to watch you in one of her dresses all night." A blush forms on my cheeks and once again I'm reminded of what I'm wearing.

"Zoe the shower is free." Lucy interrupts our moment and I tear away from Ashton.


"Zoe!" Lucy runs over to me with her drink in her hand, half empty. We've only been at the party for an hour and a half and she already seems to be tipsy. "Have you seen Luke?" She asks me with a pout. I wonder if Luke will want to deal with his sloppy princess?

"Let's go look for him." I grab her hand so she can't run away from me and we start walking through the large house packed with people. I don't even know half these people and I don't think I even know the host. Was his name Brandon? Brayden? I have no idea.

Not finding Luke inside, we head outside and when I see a crowd gathering I know the boys must be in the centre of it. I push my way through and sure enough on a trampoline doing tricks and flips is Ashton, Luke and some other guy I don't know. I roll my eyes at them and Lucy squeals with joy when she sees Luke. Luke performs a flip and the crowd cheers. I didn't even know these boys could do this type of thing.

"Hey Zoe!" Michael and Calum make their way over to us with beers in their hands.

"I didn't know they could do this?" I say to Michael and he laughs.

"They don't usually, it's only really when they've been drinking." Another cheer rings out in the crowd.

"I haven't seen you guys all night." I say changing the subject.

"We've been socialising with everyone. You know us, we have to work the room." Michael laughs. Another cheer.

"Lucy wanted to know where Luke was and..." I turn to where Lucy was standing and see that she has wandered away. "Oh well." I shrug. Another cheer rings but is cut short the exact moment I see Michael's face fall. I look towards the trampoline and see Ashton lying on the mat groaning and clutching his wrist. Without thinking about flashing anyone or kicking anyone in the face I boost myself onto the trampoline and slide over to him. I grab at his face and he forces his eyes open to look at me.

"Zoe what do we do?" Luke says behind me clearly in panic.

"Ashton, hey." I say as his eyes shut in pain again. "Look at me." I say softly and he looks up at me. "You're going to be ok." Just don't think about the fact that he's a drummer and this is literally the worst case for him. Once he calms down I look over my shoulder at Luke. "Luke call an ambulance." I don't know how bad it is and I don't want to risk hurting him by moving him.


"How's he doing?" Luke, Lucy, Michael, Maya, Calum and Kat walk into the emergency room and I look up from the spot I was fixated on.

"They won't tell me because I'm not family but they said he should be out soon." I sigh.

"Did anyone call Anne Marie?" Luke asks and I nod.

"We would be in a lot of trouble if we didn't." I scoff. Right on cue she walks through the door straight to us.

"Any news?" She says as she forces me into a hug. I'm not sure if it's for me or for her.

"No." I say not caring to re-explain. When she lets go she walks away to probably find out what's going on. When she returns we sit in silence for five minutes before a doctor comes over to us.

"Mrs Irwin, I'm Doctor Duncan. You son is fine, he has however suffered a hairline fracture to his left wrist. He's looking at four to six weeks recovery time." I squeeze my eyes shut. Hairline fracture? Four to six weeks? He's got gigs coming up and the tour with one direction. What is he going to do? There is no band without the drummer.

"When is he being released?" She asks and the doctor looks at his watch.

"Maybe another half an hour to an hour? You may see him if you like." The doctor then walks away as we all head towards Ashton's room. The others hang back and when I open the door I see my strong man looking broken with his good arm covering his eyes. Anne Marie shuts the door behind herself and he looks up at the sound. My name leaves his lips in a whisper and his eyes are full of hurt.

"Ashton what were you thinking?" Anne Marie says to him as I numbly walk over to him and fall into his good side. When he ignores his mother she sighs and plants herself in the chair next to him.

"What about your gig?" I whisper and he sighs. I don't think he knows either.

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