Chapter 19

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Zoe's POV

"Good morning!" I run over to the boys and give them each a hug.

"Hey Zoe." Calum gives me a wide smile and I stand silently until Ashton comes back from his locker. The boys ramble on about nothing and when Ashton gets here, they all greet him.

"Guys I have something for you all." They all look to me as I get the small paper bag out of my school bag. I give one of the necklaces to each of the boys and they all put them on.

"Thanks Zoe." Michael gives me a big hug and the other boys join in. I giggle at their childish behaviour and look at Ashton over Mikey's shoulder. I reach my hand out to him and he takes it. I don't know what he was expecting but I pull him into the group hug and my face is in his chest.

"Do you have one too Ash?" After a moment the boys all let go and Luke questions Ashton. He pulls the necklace from out under his black t shirt and shows the boys.

"What about you Zoe?" Calum asks me and I shake my head.

"I didn't get-"

"Hers is here." My eyes snap to Ashton's eyes then to his outstretched hand with the necklace in it.

"Oh," He gives it to me and I put it on. It's the same as the boys' ones, I love it.


"So what did you do yesterday?" Luke questions me as soon as I sit in my seat.

"I went to the markets with Ashton." He raises his eyebrows at me as his smile grows. "What?"

"Anything going on there?" I shrug my shoulders. I'm not really sure what to say to that.

"I don't really know." He raises his eyebrows again.

"There is? I was just teasing." He bumps his shoulder against mine and I lower my head to hide the red tint growing on my face. "Zoe! You can't hide from me, you have to tell me everything!"

"There isn't much to tell, Luke." I shrug and he pulls me over to him in a hug.

"This is so cute!" He says completely ignoring my last comment. "Are you going to make a move?" He lets me go and looks me dead in the eye. I shake my head and he frowns.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"There are so many reasons why not, Luke." I sigh. "I don't know what to say to him, I'm too awkward." He stays quiet for a moment so I turn back to my work.

"I could help." I furrow my eyebrows and look over at him.

"How are you going to help?"

"I could talk to him for you." I shake my head.

"No way. Luke it's alright, you don't have to help." He groans.

"Please let me help."

"No Lukey." I give him a small smile and he gives in. I knew the nickname would get him.


"Please don't say anything to Ashton about this."

"I won't."


Luke's POV

"Hey guys." I sit down with Ashton and Calum at our usual meeting spot. We've decided we're going to have our own days to play with Zoe. That way she can get more comfortable playing with the boys like she is with me. This way the boys can also teach her their chords and things they know she hasn't picked up yet.

"Hey Luke." Monday is Michael, Tuesday is Calum, I'm Wednesday and Ashton is Thursday. We let her have time to herself on Fridays, then she comes to practice on Saturday and we all play together.

"What have I missed?"

"Cal got yelled at in chem." Ashton looks at Calum with a grin on his face and Calum scowls at him.

"What's new?" I laugh and Calum glares at me before smiling. "So Ash, what's going on with Zoe?" He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you went and saw her yesterday."

"Did you?" He raises his eyebrow at me. "Am I not allowed to go see her now?"

"I also heard you took her to the markets and payed for everything."

"Yeah, have you seen her? She doesn't get out much."

"Uh huh, what about the paying for everything?"

"I was just being nice." I love firing him up like this.

"Sure, Ash."

"What's your problem Luke?"

"I don't have a problem, I just want to know what's going on with you and Zoe."

"Nothing's going on, Luke." He snaps at me and gets up. "Sorry Cal." Ashton storms away and Calum looks at me.

"Why would you fire him up, Luke?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I just wanted to know."

"Why?" I look around for Ashton before sighing.

"Because Zoe has a crush on him." A smile spreads across my face and Calum looks surprised.

"Seriously?" I nod my head. "Out of all of us, she chooses him? Why not me?" He whines but we both know he's playing around.


Zoe's POV

"Why didn't you tell me!"Calum exclaims as he sits down next to me in Geography.

"Tell you what?"

"That you have a crush on Ashton." I face palm myself and Calum giggles.

"Why did I think I could trust Luke?"

"Yeah, why did you trust Luke?"

"He didn't say anything to Ashton did he?"

"Well not really. He kind of just asked him about yesterday and fired him up." I groan and bury my head in my arms on the desk.

"He's dead next time I see him."

"Please don't kill Luke." Calum pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I wait for the bell to ring before I storm out of class to look for Luke. I have my next class with him anyway. "Luke!" I yell out when I see his blonde head in the sea of students. He stops and turns around to look at me. He gives me a smile and waits while I manoeuvre my way through the crowd. "You promised you wouldn't say anything to Ashton!" I whine and the smile drops from his face.

"Sorry Zoe." He hangs his head and I find it hard to stay mad at him.

"It's okay." I sigh and pull him into a hug.

"Come on," He says after a moment and releases me. "We have to get to class." I shouldn't have forgiven Luke that easily.

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