Chapter 34

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Zoe's POV

Was it the right thing to do? Probably not at eleven at night. I mean I still have to see him at school and tutoring and I still have feelings for him... why am I such an idiot? I should have said yes.

"Why do you look so tired?" Lucy comes up behind me and I'm so tired I don't even react to her coming out of nowhere.

"I didn't sleep last night."

"Yikes, the only reason a girl would lose sleep like that would either be over school work or a boy and we don't have anything due soon so it must be about Ashton. What's going on?" I sigh and almost fall asleep when I close my eyes for a second.

"It doesn't matter, I'm alright." I give her a weak smile and she rolls her eyes at me.

"No you're not." She grabs my arm and pulls me into the room we were standing near. It's ironic how everything personal seems to happen in this music room. "So what did Ashton do?" She sits on one of the desks and waits for me to talk. I reluctantly sit across from her and try to think of what to say. I've always wanted a girl friend I could confide my problems with and Lucy is here right now asking me to tell her. What if she actually gives me advice I could use?

"Ashton asked me to be his girlfriend over text at eleven last night and I said no because he's going on tour."

"Wow.." She says and I instantly regret telling her. Why am I such an idiot? "Ok first of all," She says after a while. "Over text at eleven at night? So romantic." She says while rolling her eyes. "I get why you would say no to that. But what I don't get is the saying no because he's going on tour. He's not going next week, you still have plenty of time to date and have fun before he goes."

"I get what you mean but I'm worried if I say yes, things are going to change."

"They are, trust me, but it will be for the better. From what I've seen you and Ashton are a great mix and you shouldn't be wasting the time you have left with him dancing around." The bell for class rings and Lucy stands. "Tell you what, if you're so worried about dating him, come on a double date with Luke and I."

"You and Luke?" A smile spreads across my face and Lucy blushes.

"Yeah it's whatever. We have to seize the moment before they're gone. So what do you say?"

"But what will I say to Ashton? I already said no to being his girlfriend."

"You don't have to be his girlfriend to go on a date. You could say you weren't sure about being his girlfriend and you wanted a date first." She shrugs before pointing at me as if she had an idea. "Or I could tell Luke to tell Ashton to invite you making him think it was his idea to avoid all the previously mentioned mess. I'm a genius, what do you say?" Does this sound crazy? A little bit. Do I think it will work? Probably not, but why shouldn't I try?

"Sure, why not?" Lucy claps her hands in delight and drags me out of the room because we're now running late for class.

"I'll speak to Luke about it later, it will probably be for Saturday night. See you later!" She drops me at my class and keeps speeding down the hallway to her class.


After avoiding me all morning, Ashton comes up to me at lunch and it looks like Lucy has worked her magic with Luke.

"Hey Zoe, about last night... I was thinking we should go on a date before I jump right in and ask you to be my girlfriend. I know first Saturday's don't really suit you but Luke and Lucy are going out and I was wondering if you wanted to do a double date with them?"

"Sounds fun, what time?" He looks relieved and gives me one of his charming smiles.

"6:30? I'm not sure what we're doing, I think Lucy has everything planned."

"Sure, I'll come over to yours early and tell my mother tutoring ran late into the night."

"Hey guys!" Lucy comes over to the two of us with a big smile on her face. "What's going on?"

"Ashton just asked me on a date." I say to her even though we both already know she knows.

"Great! Can't wait for Saturday!"

"So what are you doing this afternoon?" Ashton asks as the bell rings for class.

"I have some work to catch up on, you?"

"The guys are coming over and we're going to go through some songs, write some new ones as well."

"Well let me know if you come up with anything good, I'd love to here you guys play it." I give him a smile and walk to my class, not giving him a chance to say anything else.


"Mother I have tutoring again tonight. We have a lot to get through so I don't know what time I will be home."

"Fine, fine." She waves me away from her and her computer so I head upstairs to get everything together. I pack my outfit for tonight into my bag along with a few books, just incase mother gets suspicious. The idea of getting ready for my first date makes me think of her. She always used to talk about my first date and how she would be there to help me with my outfit and to meet the guy before we go out. How things have changed...

The zip of my backpack breaks me from my thoughts. Today should be a happy time not a sad time thinking about her.

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