Chapter 45

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Zoe's POV

"Hey, ready for finals?" I say to Ashton as he opens his front door.

"Ah, no?" He says, clearly not getting why I'm waking him up at seven on a Sunday.

"Well good, that's why I'm here." He yawns and scratches his head full of messy hair as he invites me in.

"Oh Zoe, you're here early." Ann Marie calls from the kitchen and I give her a wave.

"Just a quick breakfast for Ashton, we have a lot of work to get through." I hear Ashton sigh behind me, clearly looking forward to the long day ahead of him.

After eating and getting changed, we revised everything from the start of the term for a few hours and only took a break when Ann Marie came in with some lemonade.

"Thank you." I say to her.

"If you want anything else you'll have to get it yourself, I have to run to the shops."

"What is the point of all this? Surely this won't be on the exam." He wipes his hands over his face and sighs. I take a sip of my drink and look at the page in front of me. There is a chance this won't be on the exam but it would be completely my fault if I didn't go through it with him.

"It will be, you can do it." I say to him, ready to go back to it. "So," I say scanning the page looking for what I was reading. "Ah, Shakespeare's masterful use of language was held back by poor plotting of the romance but the language can be appreciated in isolation as lyrical and deeply poetic but-" I stop when I feel Ashton's breath on my neck. I didn't even notice him put his arm over my shoulder and shuffle in close, but now it's all I can focus on.

"Keep going." He says with a playful tone in his voice.

"I know what you're doing Ash." I say and he laughs softly.

"And what am I doing?" His mouth gets closer to my ear and it sends a shiver down my spine. He's never going to remember anything if he doesn't pay attention to this.

"You need to focus." I say unable to come up with anything else. He hums in response and takes my earlobe between his teeth. The sensation tickles and is a bit odd but at the same time is sensual and hot. Maybe we can break for a little while.

He brushes my hair away from my neck and plants slow small kisses that make me want to melt into a puddle. His teasing quickly becomes not enough for the itch I need scratched and decide to take matters into my own hands. I boldly get out of my chair and straddle him on his chair which by the look on his face I think he approves of. He grabs my hips as I connect my lips with his and run my fingers through his hair. We make out like that for a while before I regretfully break away from him.

"We have to keep working." I say to him slightly out of breath. The biggest smile appears on his face which causes me to blush and shyly get off his lap. So focused on what just happened, I think I reread most of the content.


"Hey! You're here." Luke says as he and Calum walk into English on the Monday. "You didn't come to our usual spot so we thought you weren't coming today." They sit down beside me and peer at my book.

"Sorry I got here early this morning. I had a lot of work to do and an empty classroom is quieter than the library." Other students start to drift into our room and take their seats with tired looks on their faces.

"You need to chill about this exam, it's going to be the easiest one." Calum says calmly and that makes me worried for him.

"Plus tutoring someone would make you super prepared." Luke says and my mind wanders off to yesterday when Ashton kept distracting me while I was trying to help him.

"You'd think." I mutter to myself more than them and quickly change the subject just in case they did hear. "So Cal, how's Kat?" I ask him with a stupid grin on my face.

"She's good, she's home today because her grandma's in town or something." Glad he pays attention.

"And Luke? How's Lucy?" Luke looks between Calum and I and hesitates before answering.

"I mean she's good... do you really want details?" He asks.

"If they're not dirty then yes." I say and he laughs.

"Then she's just good." I didn't even ask about that and I regret asking.

"Good morning everyone," Ms Wright calls the attention of the students as she walks in the room.

"So you haven't seen Ash today yet?" Luke whispers to me as Ms Wright talks.

"No? I've been in here all morning like I said. Why? Is something wrong?" I whisper back and Calum cracks a grin. "Luke what's going on? Why is he smiling like that?" Luke tries to hold back his own smile while shrugging. Something is up with these two. What would it have to do with Ashton? What if I did something wrong? What if he wants to break up with me? I know I'm overreacting, but I'm still dreading leaving this room.

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