Chapter 15

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Zoe's POV

"Ready to go?" Ashton says as I approach him and the boys. My eyebrows pull together as the boys look at him. When he notice them looking he tries to clarify. "Because we live so close, we go home together sometimes." He looks between me and the boys and I give them a smile to reassure he's not lying. Well, he isn't technically lying, he just isn't telling the whole truth.

"Alright well we'll see you guys tomorrow." They all slap Ashton on the back and they head the opposite way.

"Nice save, Superman." I quirk my eyebrow at him as we start walking home.

"Shut up." He looks at the ground. "I didn't realise what I was saying until I said it." I punch his shoulder softly to lighten his mood. He looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"So when are you going to tell them?" He shakes his head.

"Hopefully I won't have to. Like I've said they will try to cut back band practice."

"I'm sure they would understand. Maybe you should try just telling one of them." I know Ashton talks to Luke about all the stuff that bothers him so he will tell him if he tells anyone. But because he already knows, he'll be more understanding.

"I'll think about it." A comfortable silence falls between us as we walk.

"Can we stop by my house on the way? I have to grab my science textbook."

"Science?" He looks at me. "I thought we were doing english."

"I have a mini science test tomorrow and I need to brush up on some things." He nods and we turn down my street. Once we make it to my house I rush to the front door and quickly head inside. I really don't want my parents and Ashton interacting. My mother doesn't really like him and I don't know why. He's never done anything wrong by her and he's always polite so I have no idea why. Once I get to my room I grab my textbook from my desk and run down the stairs. "Bye Mum." I give her a quick wave as I run past the kitchen. I'm kind of grateful Ashton didn't follow me inside.

"Got it?" I hold up the book to show him. He gives me a quick smile and we continue walking to his house. "So what are we doing tomorrow?" I look up at him. What does he mean? "At lunch."

"Oh, I'm not sure yet. I usually decide with Luke when I get there." He nods his head slowly.

"So you're good friends with Luke then." I nod my head.

"Well, I'd like to think I am." I smile at the thought of Luke.

"Just friends?" I look up at him once more.

"What? Of course."

"Just asking." We walk in comfortable silence until we get to his street. "Zoe did you want to come to band practice this weekend?" Ashton looks away from me.



"Why do you know so much about Shakespeare?" He groans as I sigh.

"My mother thought it would be a good idea to teach me everything Shakespeare related in fifth grade. She used to pressure me every night, it got really annoying." I sigh again. "Grade Five it was Shakespeare, Grade Six it was Science and Grade Seven it was Maths. I guess after that she kind of gave up pressuring me. She just expected me to pressure myself." I don't know why I just told him that.

"Sounds rough." He lounges in his chair. He looks so at peace and.. beautiful. I grab my pencil out of my pencil case, flip to a page in the middle of my science book and quickly start sketching the stretched out figure in front of me. Without realising, I draw his full profile. "So, do you have any other talents besides music?" I look up from the page at him eyeing me warily. Does he know I'm sketching him? I pull my knees closer to my chest incase he can see the book resting on them. I know I told Luke about my art but Ashton doesn't need to know as well.

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