Chapter 33

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Zoe's POV

"Good morning boys!" I jump into Mikey's arms as soon as I arrive at our usual meeting place at school. When I got home yesterday my mum asked me how the camp out was and it was really weird because she was actually being nice for once. But then she yelled at me for nothing.

"Hey guys guess what!" Kat bounds up to us and Calum chuckles at her enthusiasm. "Do you remember on camp when I asked if I could show your music to a friend of mine?" They nod their heads. I think they just gained another fan. "Well his name is Louis Tomlinson and he really likes your stuff."

"He's part of One Direction." Mikey says in shock. "How do you know him?"

"He's a family friend." Kat giggles and looks over at Calum. "He wants you guys to open for them on their new tour." The boys all stand gobsmacked before exchanging a look and cheering.

"Of course we will!" Luke says and he hugs Kat. "Thank you for this."

"You're welcome, but you still have contracts to sign and everything and the tour doesn't start until next year so you can finish this year."

"Yeah and we still have that gig in two weeks that's going to be awesome." The bell rings but the boys are so hyped up I don't think they hear it.

"I'm really happy for you guys but I have to get to class." I give them a smile and they all wave to me as I leave. They're going on tour with One Direction. Am I happy for them? Of course. Will I hate my life once they leave and miss them everyday? Yes, of course. But what can I do? I can't stop them from going and I can't go with them. I'm sure managers and producers have rules about others travelling with them, and besides, my parents would never allow something like this. They would lock me in my bedroom the second they hear about it and I would never be allowed out again. I wonder if they would be touring near here? Maybe in Sydney.

"Hey Zoe!" I turn around to see Ashton jogging after me. He looks so cute all the time. I don't know how he manages that.

"Hi." I smile at him when he catches up. I'm going to miss him when he goes.

"What's up? You don't seem that happy."

"I'm just sad about you guys leaving. I don't know what I'm going to do when you're gone." He pulls me into his chest for a hug and I can feel my face heating up. I don't hug people in public. Are people staring?

"Don't worry about it. It's a long while away and we still have all of the summer holidays to spend with you."

"I guess." I mumble and he lets me go.

"Come on, let's get to class." He slips his hand into mine and it distracts me for a moment. How are his hands so big? And they're so calloused from the playing the drums, I really love it.

He kisses the back of my hand when we arrive at my class. "I'll see you later."


"Hey, Ash! Ready for tutoring?" I say as he opens his front door.

"Of course." He says as he munches on some sort of food. So that means he's not ready. I head up to his room while he goes back to the kitchen. I pull out my books and put them on his desk. I sit in his chair and while I wait for him I straighten my books and look at all the things on his pin board in front of his desk. Reminders and lyrics that I glaze over as there's one thing that catches my eye; my drawing from the other day that I threw in his trash.

"Why did you get this out of the bin?" I ask him as he walks into the room.

"It was our first fan art I thought I should keep it." He chuckles and my face grows hot. It's not fan art, it's just a drawing of my friends that happen to be in a band.

"Let's just get started with this, we have a lot to get through."


When I leave Ashton's, it's dark outside and I'm exhausted enough that I'm going to fall asleep as soon as I get home. I bypass my mother and her rants and head straight for my room. I put on my comfiest pyjamas and get into my warm bed. Thank god for the escape we call sleep.

I awake when it's still dark outside with the thought of the boys leaving me running around my head. I check my phone and I see it's only 11pm. My parents are long asleep by now, I used to go to her on nights I couldn't sleep like this.

Me 11:01pm: hey are you up

Ashton 11:01pm: you know it

Me 11:01pm: I can't stop thinking about you guys leaving

Ashton 11:02pm: don't lose sleep over us Zoe we'll be back before you know it

Me 11:02pm: a lot can change in a year.

Ashton 11:05pm: I don't want us to

I've been meaning to ask you something... Zoe will you be my girlfriend?

He's asking me to be his girlfriend over text ?

Me 11:10pm: Ashton I don't think it's such a good idea anymore I mean you're going to be leaving for a year and meeting all new people I don't want to be holding you back

Ashton 11:10pm: but you wouldn't be holding me back please Zoe

Me 11:16pm: the answer is no Ashton.

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