Chapter 18

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Zoe's POV

Running as fast as I can, I make it to my bathroom and lift up the toilet seat before the contents of my stomach empty out. I sit on the floor and sigh. Why? I look out the window to see it's still dark outside. What time is it? I rinse out my mouth before I head back to my room to check the time. 2am? That means I've only gotten four hours sleep.

I get back into bed and close my eyes, trying to get back to sleep. After a while I give up, open my eyes and pick up my phone. I wonder if anyone would be awake? I open iMessage and instantly open the contact Ashy. I send him a quick 'Hey :-)' before opening Luke's contact and doing the same. After sending the text to all four boys I open my twitter and wait. My phone pings soon after sending and I open the message.

Ashy 2:35am: 'Why are you awake?' Should I tell him the truth?

'Can't sleep' It's the truth, but not the whole truth. 'Why are you up?'

Ashy 2:37am: 'Harry couldn't sleep'

'Aww :-('

Ashy 2:38am: 'He's curled up on my bed now :)'

I was just about to reply when a picture comes through. I open it and smile instantly of the picture of the little boy curled into Ashton's side. Ashton leans down into frame so I can see his messy hair and smiling face as well as Harry.

'What a little cutie!!'

Ashy 2:40am 'I know I am ;)))'

'Hahaha not you Ash!' Harry is adorable but I didn't mean him.

Ashy 2:43am 'I know you were talking about me :))) don't lie ;))))'

'I think I'm going to go to bed now.'

Ashy 2:45am 'Haha aw :( ok :) Goodnight :*' I put my phone down on my bedside table and bite my lip. He's just playing around.

I close my eyes and try to sleep.


I feel something wet touch the side of my face and I groan. I open one eye when I feel it again followed by a chuckle. I look up to see Ashton staring down at me.

"Are you licking me?" I screw my eyebrows together and wipe the side of my face.

"Ew, no." He laughs and I open my eyes at the melodic sound. "I stuck my finger in your cup of water." He points to the cup of water sitting on my bedside table that has been there for about a week. I shut my eyes and start to drift off again when my mind started to process the situation.

"Ashton," My eyes flick open and stare at him in horror. "Why are you in my house?" My mother would never let him in here while I was sleeping.

"I came to see you." He gave me a grin before sitting on the floor next to my bed. "No one answered the door and you didn't answer your phone so I found your spare key and came up." I eye him wearily. "You might want to find a better spot for your key. It took me a minute and a half to find it." I sigh and roll over so I'm not looking at him anymore. "Hey!" He gets up off the floor and comes around to the other side of the bed. "Don't ignore me!" He gets into my bed and I roll over again. "Zoe!"He whines and pulls me to him. I turn around in his arms and squirm against him.

"Ashton!" I pout and he smiles.

"So now you're talking to me?" He pulls me up a bit so my head is on the pillow with his and hugs me tighter to his body.

"Ash!" I hit his shoulder to try to get him to let me go.

"Hug me back and I'll let you go." He whispers in my ear and I quickly and awkwardly wrap my arms around him so he will let me go.

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