Chapter 7

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Zoe's POV

I woke up bright and early this morning to my mother yelling at me.

"Zoe! Have you been doing your homework? I don't want this tutoring affecting your grades!" I roll over in bed to look up at my angry mother.

"Haven't we already been through this?" I ask softly. "I promise my grades won't slip." She glares down at me then sighs. "I have to meet with him this afternoon so I probably won't be home until late."

"Fine." She storms out of my room and shuts the door behind her. I should really get up and get ready. I grab my phone and check the time. I groan and throw my arm over my eyes at the sight of the brightness and the time of day it is. It is way to early to be awake, even for me. It is 6 in the morning, I don't understand why she woke me up so early. Why couldn't she wait until I came down for breakfast to yell at me. I throw my covers off and slowly shuffle over to my bathroom to get ready.

When I come out of the bathroom I head for my wardrobe and grab out my uniform. I flick my hair over my shoulder as I pick out the skirt and top combo. It's already spring and I'm excited for summer. I've always loved the hot summer nights in Australia.

"Bye mum!" I sped down the stairs and past the kitchen. She will definitely disapprove my outfit.

"Zoe, wait." I stop at the door and slowly turn around to face her.

"What's up?" She crosses her arms and stares me down.

"What are you wearing?" I look down at my outfit. I knew she wouldn't approve. she hates when I wear the skirt because I had it taken up without her knowledge.

I don't have anything to counter with so I grip the door handle and yank the door open. "Goodbye mother."

"Wait-" I slam the door and start walking to school. I hate when she does that. Just because she wants me to be a perfect little clone of her. I'll never be her and my mother just can't except that.

When I finally arrive at school I head straight for my locker and grab my books for the first two periods. I think I'll just go wait by my home room until my teacher comes.

I head upstairs and and see a group of boys blocking my path to my destination. Crap, why do they always have to be conveniently in my way? I turn around before they see me and head back down the stairs. I'll just go up the other staircase.

"Zoe!" I stop in my tracks and roll my eyes. I turn around to see Ashton smiling at me.

"Hey." I sigh and continue walking. "Zoe wait up." He catches up to me and walks along side me.

"Can I help you Ashton?"

"I wanted to apologise for what I said a couple of days ago." I arch my eyebrow. I don't believe him.

"Really?" I fold my arms and stop walking. "What else did your mother tell you to say?" I continue on my journey to class and he still follows.

"Zoe, I really am sorry. Yes, my mum did yell at me for hours after the boys left but I truly am sorry for the way I acted to you. I was a grade A jerk that day and I shouldn't have been." I side glance at him. Is he really telling the truth? Should I believe him?

"It still doesn't make up for it."

He sighs. "What do you want then Zoe? You can hang out with my friends, come to our rehearsals, I don't know, what ever you want." I stop and look up at him.

"You mean it?" He nods. "Ashton that sounds great but I really don't want to come to your rehearsals." I roll my eyes and he laughs. "But I would like us both to try a little harder with the whole tutoring thing. It's hard enough for me having to recall what I've learnt and stay on top of my homework." He nods.

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