Chapter 44

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Zoe's POV

"Good morning Zoe, exams are coming up have you started studying?" My mother starts as soon as I step foot in the kitchen. To be really honest I haven't done that much study. I've been meeting with Ashton for his tutoring but I don't get much work in myself.

"Yes mother. I'm going to the library today to do some work." I lie through my teeth and she stares me down. I've used the library as an excuse before but it's more believable than Ashton needs more help.

"Fine, but be home in time for dinner." She leaves the kitchen without an argument. I probably should go to the library for my own sake but I have more important things to do. Today I'm not actually meeting with Ashton and the guys for once, I'm meeting with Zali by myself. I am a bit scared about what I'm going to say to her the whole time, but it shouldn't be too hard.

"I'm leaving now!" I pick up my bag and stuff it with a few books before leaving the house.  We're meeting at a cafe a few blocks from here so it's an easy walk. I'm not sure what else she has planned, which also makes me nervous.

Ash 10:23am: hey are you going to see your sister?

I smile at my phone, how sweet is Ashton for checking up on me?

Me 10:23am: yep just walked past your street a few minutes ago

Ash 10:24am: let me know if you want me to pick you up after and we can hang out :)

I don't text him back, leaving the answer to his offer in the air. It was nice of him to offer but I think Zali will want to hang out.

I arrive at the cafe and see her sitting on the opposite side of the room. I order a drink before going to her table to sit.

"Hey, I was wondering when you were going to get here." She sips her coffee and closes the book she was reading. "Was mum giving you a hard time?" She says.

"No different from the usual." I say with a thin smile. "So," I say wanting to change the subject. "What have you got planned for today?"

"Well I was thinking of chilling here for a while then shopping. You didn't have something in mind did you?" She asks.

"No that sounds fine." I say as my order is called out. I go to the collection counter and take my drink. "Anything in particular you're shopping for?" I say after sipping my drink.

"I need some new dresses for a few events I have coming up and I need to get some dog toys for Vince, he destroyed all his other ones." She says with a roll of her eyes.

"How is Vince?" I ask before stopping to think about how strange this conversation is. I don't think I've ever enjoyed discussing such boring things with anyone before.

"He's fine. He went for a walk the other day and hurt his foot on some prickles, but other than that he's good." She says with a shrug. If that was me I would be so concerned about him but she doesn't seem worried at all. I mean, I'm sure she's worried but she seems more confident that he will be fine than not.

"So how's Ashton?" She says with a sly tone in her voice.

"He's good. We went to the beach the other day with his brother and sister."

"He has siblings?" She asks and I nod. "So cute! I bet he's a good big brother." I smile at the thought of Ashton with his siblings.

"Yeah, he is. I mean, except when he gave Harry so much ice cream he had to run around for an hour and a half before we could go home." I laugh at the thought and Zali giggles along. "He was still so full of sugar when we got him home and Ashton got yelled at by his mum. It was still good to see him so happy before he crashed." I think about the moment Harry was jumping on the couches and yelling one second and was dropping to the floor faster than his sugar crash the next.

We start walking to the shopping centre while laughing at Harry and only stop when we get to the centre and Zali spots a dress.

"Look how pretty!" She says while dragging me into a store. "Zoe, you should try something on." She says while finding her size in the dress she saw outside. I look around the store trying to spot something that would look good on me.


After shopping for what felt like hours, we emerge from the shopping centre with bags lining each of our arms. Most of it was Zali's, I wasn't going to let her carry all of it. The sky is dark when we get outside which makes me think we must have been in there longer than I thought.

"Damn it's so late, I should get going or mother will get suspicious." I say with a sinking feeling in my chest. Despite mildly hating shopping, I enjoyed the time I spent with Zali and I wish it didn't have to end. I hug her goodbye before quickly making my way home.

"Oh you're back, I'm glad you were at the library for so long." My mother calls from the kitchen when she hears the front door close.

"I had to stop by the shops." I mumble as I walk past the kitchen and to the stairs. She doesn't usually object when I buy things so it's better if I casually mention it now instead of her seeing the bags later and getting suspicious.

"Zoe, you're home!" Dad says as he comes the opposite direction on the stairs.

"Yep, I have to go finish off some stuff I started earlier, I'll see you later." I retreat to my room and sigh in relief.

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