Chapter 9

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Zoe's POV

The next morning I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. My head felt like it was going to explode and the yelling from my mother wasn't helping.

"Zoe! Why aren't you up yet? Your alarm went off ages ago! It's 7:30am, what are you doing?" I groan and roll over in my bed.

"Can you please stop yelling?"

"Are you sick?" She rolls me back over and I open my eyes slightly to look up at her.

"Yes." I purposely got sick to piss her off, so yes, I am sick.

"I told you you would get sick, Zoe! You didn't listen to me! You can't be missing school!" I nod in response.

"I'll just email my teachers and ask them what I missed." She huffs and agrees with me.

"Well I have to go to work so I will see you this afternoon." I nod and snuggle back into my warm bed.


"Zoe!" I open my eyes slightly.

"Zoe!" Another voice calls out my name. I sit up in bed feeling slightly better than I did earlier. I stumble down the stairs and open the front door, not bothering to check what I look like. When I look up I see three boys smiling down at me.

"Zoe!" Luke, Michael and Calum all hug me and I smile. "Thank god you're alright." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, we thought something was wrong when you didn't show up today." They all nod. They actually noticed that I was missing today?

"You've never missed a day of school." Calum chuckles and I pull them all inside my house.

"Thanks for noticing, guys." Calum and Michael wander off, probably looking for food. "So how do you know where I live?" I look up at Luke as he smiles sheepishly at me.

"Ashton told us. Those two wouldn't shut up until we saw you so he told us."

"Did he come?" I ask and he sticks his head out the door.

"I thought he did. He might have gone home to get something. I think he'll come back later." I nod my head.

"Not to be rude or anything, but how long do you guys plan on staying?" Luke smiles as Calum runs in.

"All afternoon!" He yells excitedly and I giggle.

"Okay, but just letting you know my parents get home around 5pm today and they're really tight ass about friends." I blush and Luke nods in understanding.

"Don't worry, I'll get those idiots out before then."

"But what about school? There's still three periods left." He chuckles and closes the front door.

"Oh Zoe." He drags me to the kitchen to see the boys raiding every cupboard in the kitchen.

"Zoe what the fuck? Why don't you have any food?" Michael groans and my cheeks grow hot.

"Sorry, my parents don't like junk food." Luke opens the fridge and snorts.

"That's ok, we can just order pizza when Ash gets here." They nod in agreement with Luke. Thank god for him.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I sit down at the breakfast bar, feeling a bit light-headed.

"Netflix!" Michael yells out and Calum cheers in response. Why are those two so excited about everything?

"Well my room is the only room with Netflix." That's the only thing I could persuade my parents on. Michael and Calum run out of the room. I don't think they will find it.

"Come on." Luke smiles at me as I try to stand up. I stumble a bit when I try to take a step and he grabs my arm. "You alright?" I nod my head.

"Just a little dizzy." I smile and try to convince him it's nothing. He slides his arm around my waist and leads me out of the kitchen. "Thanks Luke."

"No problem." It definitely feels nice to have friends. "So where are we going?" I nod towards the stairs.

"Upstairs, the second door on the left." We start walking up the stairs, well, Luke was walking, I was struggling while leaning on Luke. We make it to the top and he pulls me towards my room. I push the door open and he snorts.

"I never struck you for a pink person." He chuckles and I slap his chest.

"Shut up. I hate pink." I fall onto my bed and grab my tv remote while Luke claims his spot on the other side before the other boys get here.

"I won!" Calum cheers as he quickly shuts my door behind him and leans against it.

"Calum! Let me in!" Michael tries to open the door while Calum tries to keep him out. I giggle as I snuggle into my blankets and watch the boys.

"Alright Calum, let him in." Luke chuckles and Calum quickly runs away from the door as Michael pushes against it. He falls onto the floor and Calum laughs while getting comfortable on the end of my bed.

"Calum! I'm going to get you for that! Not right now thought because the floor is very comfortable." We all laugh at Michael as he rests his head on the floor and sighs. Only he would find my floor comfortable.

"So what do you guys want to watch?" Calum shoots up from his spot.

"Captain America!" The rest of the guys didn't say anything so I shuffled through to Captain America. "Yay!" Calum cheered when I clicked on the movie. It only just starts when the doorbell rings.

"Ashton!" Michael calls through my house, excited because they can now order pizza.

"It's open!" Luke calls through my open bedroom door because none of them were bothered to get up and open the door. We soon hear Ashton's heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs towards us.

"Is that-" Michael sits up and sniffs the air. Calum repeats his action and they both smile like children on Christmas.

"I brought pizza." Ashton walks into my room with four steaming hot boxes of pizza in one hand and a bag in the other.

"Ash, you're my favourite!" Michael takes the top two pizza from him and goes over to Calum to hand him his.

"Mine too!" Calum cheers as they dig into the pepperoni pizza.

"Thanks man." Ashton passes a pizza over me to Luke then sits at my desk with his own pizza. Luke opens his box and I'm instantly hit with the smell of cheese. "Want some?" He looks down at me and I nod. He passes me a slice and I awkwardly try to eat it while lying down.

"So what's in the bag, Ash?" Calum nods towards the bag on the floor. He picks up the bag and thrusts it towards me.

"I picked up a few things for you because you're sick. Also because your house is full of shit food." I open the bag to see it's filled with chips, biscuits, chocolate and lollies.

"Thanks Ashton." He nods towards the bag as he takes a bite of his slice.

"Also there isn't any cold stuff so you can keep it in your room." I smile at him. I think this is his way of making up for being an ass yesterday. "So what are we watching." I completely forgot about the paused movie on my screen.

"Captain America."

"Play the movie Zoe!" I hit the play button as I finish off my slice of pizza. Calum gets up and turns off the lights which instantly make me feel tired. My eyes starts to droop as I yawn.

"Tired?" Luke whispers then chuckles quietly in my ear.

"Mmhm." My eyes shut as I feel him pull me up so I'm resting on him.

"Sleep then. I promise we'll be out before your parents get home if you don't wake up." This puts me at ease and helps me to settle. I snuggle into my blankets and Luke's chest.

"Thanks Luke." I mumble. I'm so glad I'm friends with these boys, especially Luke Hemmings.

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