Chapter 21

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"What should I do?" I rake my fingers through my hair and look across at Luke. He scratches his jaw and stays silent.

"I don't know. He's never said anything about having feelings for you, but then again he doesn't really like talking about feelings." I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking over why Ashton kissed me. I texted Luke early this morning telling his to meet me at the cafe by the beach so I could talk to him about it. "Maybe you should be asking him instead of me." I look over at him and sigh.

"Luke, didn't you hear me when I said he asked me if I was hungry? Not, 'Sorry, I'll explain why I did that'."

"I know, Zoe. But I'm saying you should talk  to him about it, regardless of whether he wants to talk about it."


"Zoe, you're over analysing this." He raises his eyebrows at me and I lower my head.

"I know."

"Come on, lets go for a drive." He slides out of his seat and I slowly follow him like a reluctant child. I hop into the passenger seat of his car as he slides into the driver seat.

"Where are we going?" He shrugs and pulls out of his parking space, onto the road. I look at the small shops and cafes as we drive past them, watching the owners open up. I feel bad for getting Luke to meet me so early. It's 6am, the sun is only just rising. I probably could have waited until like 8. Luke suddenly pulls into another parking space along the beach front. "What are you doing?"

"Correction, what are we doing. Come on." He opens his door and heads out onto the beach. I clumsily follow, confused as to why we're on the beach at this time of morning. He stops on the sand just in front of his car and kicks off his thongs, then strips out of his shirt.


"Come on Zoe." He turns to me and smiles before throwing his shirt down in the sand and running off towards the surf. I hesitantly kick off my thongs before taking my shirt off.

"Luke!" I call out to him and he looks at me. "I'm wearing denim shorts! They'll take forever to dry if I get them wet."

"Take them off then." He shrugs and starts swimming around. I hesitate before pulling my shorts down leaving me in my bra and underwear. I start jogging down to the water, hoping no one sees me before I get there. No one is out here yet, but still. I squeal when the cold water hits me.

"Luke, it's freezing!" I hug myself and he laughs.

"No its not! It's fresh." He giggles before tackling me into the water.

"Luke!" I scream before splashing him and laughing.

We spent the next half an hour or so in the water swimming around and splashing each other. "My fingers are wrinkly." Luke holds his hands up so I can see his wrinkly skin. I giggle and hold up my own hands. "lets get out." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the water back towards his car. No one has  really come down onto the beach since we've been here, so we have the whole beach to ourselves. Luke grabs a towel out of the backseat of his car and passes it to me before grabbing out his own. We sit next to each other in the sand for a while before he speaks. "Do you want to get breakfast?" I nod and he gets up and starts putting his clothes back on.

"Help me up." I hold out my hands towards him and he pulls me up. I slide my pants and thongs back on before putting on my top.

"By the way," I turn to Luke. "I like your sushi printed bra." My cheeks flush red and he climbs into his car. Why did he have to comment on it? I'm glad I didn't wear the matching underwear. I get into the car and we head back to the cafe we were in earlier.

"So what do you want?" We walk into the cafe and I shrug my shoulders. It's busier than earlier, but not by much.

"Table for two?" Luke nods his head and the waitress takes us to a booth.

"I think I'll just get the bacon and eggs special." Luke glances at the menu then up at me. He always orders the same thing.

"I think I'll get the avocado and feta on turkish bread."

"I love that." I nod in agreement. We sit quietly waiting for the waitress to come back over to our table and take our order. When she does, Luke orders for us and then we settle back into the silence. "So when are you going to talk to him?"

"I don't know, tomorrow at school?"

"Why not now?" I tilt my head to the side and scrunch up my eyebrows at Luke's words.

"Now? What do you mean?" Luke motions with his head to somewhere behind me. I turn around to see Ashton, Michael and Calum all heading over to us.

"Morning guys, you're up early." Luke greets them and Ashton nods while the other two boys nod.

"So are you. Mind if we sit with you?" Luke shakes his head and I glare at him.

"Not at all." Ash, Cal and Mikey slide into the booth and pick up a menu each.

"Have you guys ordered yet?" Calum looks up from his menu at me.

"We just did." He nods and waves the waitress over so they can order. Ashton sat next to Luke on the other side of the booth, probably so he didn't have to sit next to me and so he doesn't have to look at me.

"Zoe, why are you wet?" Michael questions and Calum snorts.

"We went for a swim." I look down at my clothes, the water from my bra was soaking through my shirt.

"You guys should have told us you were here so early, we would have come with you." Cal gives me a warm smile.

"I'll remember to call you next time I want to go somewhere really early in the morning." I give him a sweet smile and he cringes at the thought of being up even earlier than he was this morning.

Our food soon arrives and the boys make small talk between themselves while I mull over what I'm going to say to Ashton. Maybe I am overthinking everything.

"Zoe?" A kick to my shin under the table breaks me out of my thoughts and my gaze is snapped up to Luke.


"We were just talking about camp."

"Camp?" I squint my eyes trying to remember what he's talking about.

"School camp, it's next week."

"Oh! Camp, yeah." I completely forgot about camp, I haven't even given the note to my mother.

"We were just talking about the tents, do you know who you will be sharing with?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. They're my only friends. I don't have girl friends. I don't know what they expect me to say.

"I don't know." Luke nods and they go back to their conversation. Luke tilts his head to the side while looking at me and I shake my head as if to say I'm fine. I don't know what I'm going to do about camp.

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