Chapter 22

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Zoe's POV
"Zoe! Get out of bed!" I roll over and look at my clock. It's finally the day we leave for camp. This week went so slowly. I quickly throw on the outfit I picked out last night, grab my bag and head downstairs. I grab out my breakfast and sit down at the table. "Alright, I'll see you when you get home on Friday." I stop mid-bite and turn around to look at my mother.


"Friday? Is that the right day?" I screw my eyebrows together.

"What do you mean you'll see me on Friday? Are you not taking me to school?"

"I have a very important meeting this morning and I can't be late." She looks down at her watch. "I better get going. See you Friday." She gives me a cold smile and rushes out the door. I want to cry. I want to break down and cry. How could she do this? I thought she would take me there to make sure I was actually going on camp. I pull out my phone and call the last person I wanted to.

"Hey Zoe! Are you excited for camp?"

"Hey Ash, yeah I am." I sigh at the sound of his voice.

"What's up?"

"Do you think you could get your mum to pick me up on the way to school?"

"Yeah of course, is everything ok at home?"

"Yeah I guess, my parents left early this morning and I don't have anyway to get to school besides walking."

"No, I understand. We'll be there in about 10."

"Thanks Ashton."

"Bye Zoe."

"Bye." I put my phone down on the counter and head upstairs to brush my teeth. By the time I had brushed my teeth and hair and grabbed my pillow, the door bell was ringing.

"Zoe!" He grabs me in a hug as soon as I open the front door. He smells so sweet, God, I've missed him.

"Hey Ash."

"Are you ready to go?" I nod my head and he slips past me into my house. He grabs my bag for me and hands my pillow to me.

"Ashton, I can carry my own bag."

"I'm sure you can." He keeps walking out the door and I pout. I quickly lock the front door behind me and head out to Anne Marie's car.

"Good morning Zoe!"

"Good morning Anne." I give her a warm smile as I hop in the front seat.

"So camp." She says after a while of driving. "That will be exciting." I nod my head. "If you need anything I want you to go to Ashton." I nod my head. At least someone cares.


"Good morning Zoe!" The boys run over to me and sweep me into a group hug while Ashton trails behind me.

"Yeah, I'm here too." The boys all look up at Ash and they give him a smile.

"We didn't forget about you." Calum and Luke pull Ashton into the group hug and he chuckles softly.

"Lets get on the bus so we get good seats." We all head over to the bus, Michael leading. "Up the back!" Luke yells out to Michael and he runs to the five seats at the back.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Calum cheers and the other boys agree. "I can't wait to go swimming and quad biking and.. and.."

"Yeah, neither can we Cal."

"I'm so glad you were able to come Zoe!" Luke squishes me into a hug and I smile to myself. No one has ever been glad I was there. "Have you decide who you're going to bunk with?" I shake my head. I still don't know.


"Everyone choose a cabin! Four to a cabin! Boys on the left, girls on the right!" Our year level coordinator called out and everyone excitedly ran for the cabins with their friends. The boys all left me to find a good spot for themselves.

"Zoe can you please go find a cabin that isn't full?" One of the teachers asks me and I sigh. I wish I had girl friends. This is the last school camp ever so it doesn't really matter now anyway. I walk down the rows of cabins and see four girls in every cabin, except for the last one.

"Um, hey. Do you guys mind if I share with you?" They all look up at me and smile.

"Not at all. Come in." They usher me inside and help me with my bags. "You'll be staying in this room with Lucy." The girl points to who I assume is Lucy. "I'm Maya and this is Kat."

"Hey." I say to all of them as I put my stuff away. "I'm Zoe."

"I think I've seen you around before." Maya says as she sits on Lucy's bed. I've heard of these girls, they aren't super popular but they're nice to everyone so they're well known.

"Yeah, you too." What else am I supposed to say?

"We're heading down to the beach soon, did you want to come with us?" I look at the three girls and nod my head. I can meet up with the boys later. "Ok, well we'll be in Maya and Kats room when you're finished changing." They all get up and leave the room. Why are they so nice? Do they know I'm friends with the boys? Are they using me to get to them? I hope not. I really want some girl friends of my own. I quickly put my bikini on and throw my clothes back on over the top. I grab my towel out of my bag and head out to the other room.

"I'm ready." I wait in the doorway for the other girls to get up and grab their stuff.

"Lets go!" Kat cheers and the girls all follow her out of the cabin. We walk together down to the beach on the path connecting the camp area to the beach. Once we reach the beach, we throw our stuff down, strip out of our clothes and run down to the water together. The water was cool and refreshing.

We all stand around for a little splashing each other before actually swimming. Some of the other students are down here with us, and more start coming down. We throw a ball Lucy brought down around, diving and splashing in the water to grab it. I was having a great time with these girls, I didn't want it to end. I wanted us to be friends. Maya throws the ball to me and it looks like it's going to go over my head so I leap out of the water to grab it. I catch the ball in one hand and fall back into someone when I come back down. Their arm goes around my waist to steady me and I whip my head around to see who it was so I could apologise.

As I look up, I see it's Ashton. A shirtless Ashton. A shirtless Ashton with his strong arm around my naked waist. "Hey." He gives me a cute little grin and I give him a small smile back. "Do you guys mind if we join your game?" He looks up from me at the other girls. They all smile and nod their heads. Ashton waves the other boys over and they swim over as fast as they could.

"I'm so ready for this game!" Calum cheers. "I'm so going to win." He smirks to himself and I scoff.

"Yeah right Calum, I'm obviously going to win." Kat calls out to him and he looks between me and her.

"Are you hearing this? Your friend obviously loves a challenge." He smirks and turns back to her. "You're on!" He yells out.

"So um, you know the boys' names right?" The girls nod. "Ok well," I point to each of the girls as I say their names.

"It's good to meet you all, now lets get on with the game." Ashton lets go of me (frankly, I forgot he was there) and I throw the ball to Calum who threw it to Maya. I don't really know how they think they're going to 'win' this game. There really isn't anyway to win at this. But I guess just being here with all of them is winning.

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