Chapter 25

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Zoe's POV

When I get back to the cabin the girls all fuss over how long I took.

"Did anyone catch you?"

"Ashton." Maya and Kat exchange a glance and smirk at me. "What? Nothing is going on there if that's what you're thinking." I throw the boys socks at Maya and Kat and the squeal.

"Ew! They stink! Get them away!" They don't smell that bad.

"Get what away?" We all look up to the window and see the four boys peeking in at us.

"Nothing! Maya could you go open the door for them?" I ask Maya and she quickly gets up. The boys follow her to the front door and I quickly hide the socks before they come in. They sit on the floor with us and we wait for Maya to come back from locking the door. "Are we restarting the game?" I don't really want to ask any questions or dare anyone yet.

"If you want. Calum, you can start." He rubs his hands together.

"Lucy, truth or dare?"


"Are you a virgin?"

"What is this Cal, grade 2?" Luke asks and the boys all look at him as he sheepishly smiles.

"I wanted to know." The girls giggle and Lucy nods her head.

"Ashton, truth or dare?" Lucy has an evil look in her eye, I wonder what she's going to do.


"I dare you to kiss Zoe." Lucy leans against her bed with a smirk on her face. It takes a moment for me to register what she said, but as soon as it does my jaw hits the floor.

"Lucy!" I hiss at her. I thought she was the nice one.

"What?" She gives me a large grin and Ashton clears his throat.

"Do I have to?" A chorus of 'yes' sounds through the room. "She obviously doesn't want to." He gestures to me.

"Just do it!" The boys yell at Ashton and push him over to me.

"Fuck, you guys are annoying." Ashton mutters under his breath and I giggle. He looks up and his eyes meet mine.

"Hurry up, I'm bored!" Michael calls out and Ashton flips him off. He leans his arm on the bed behind me to support himself and cups my face with the other hand. He quickly leans in, his soft lips press to mine and I swear I'm in pure bliss. He kisses me for a while, it feels like a lifetime but I never want it to end. He breaks away from me and returns to his spot without a second glance. My cheeks flame red and he licks his lips. Did he enjoy it as much as I did? What if he hated it? What if he thought the first time was a mistake and that was an even bigger mistake? I sigh as we continue on with the game.


"Good morning Zoe!" I groan as someone jumps on me. I open my eyes to see Lucy smiling at me.

"Hey Lucy. Are we going for breakfast?" She nods her head and I get up to get changed. "So any plans for today?" I ask her as we walk to breakfast.

"I don't think so. We stayed up pretty late last night." I nod my head. I wish I could stay in and sleep but I have to meet Jarred.

I quickly eat breakfast and head back to  the cabin to get properly dressed.

"Where are you going?" I turn around and cover myself from Luke.

"What are you doing in here? Have you never heard of knocking?"

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were changing." He turns around to face the wall. I slide my shirt on and sigh.

"It's fine Luke. Why are you here? The teachers aren't blind in the light. We could get caught." He shrugs his shoulders and sits on my bed while I do my hair.

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