Chapter 32

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Zoe's POV

The boys played never have I ever until they fell asleep last night so I didn't bother putting my pjs on. But as I run to the bathroom in the 1am chill, I start to regret it. I hope I didn't wake whoever I kicked on the way out of the bedroom. When I get to the bathroom, I empty out last night's dinner from my stomach. I flush the toilet, sit on the floor and sigh. When will this ever stop? Curse my parents for never feeding me meat. A soft knock at the door makes me shoot up from the floor, once again making me nauseated. Who would be up at this hour? I take a few deep breaths before walking over to the door to open it. I open the door a tiny bit and see Ash's beautiful but tired eyes looking back at me with worry.

"Are you alright?" He asks in a husky whisper. I love the sound of his voice when he just wakes up. I nod my head and try to convince him with a smile. He eyes me like he knows I'm lying. Why can't he just believe everything is fine? "Are you sure?" I nod again but I can feel the bile coming back up my throat. Not now! I shut the door in his face and he knocks a little louder than last time. "Zoe?" I sit down against the door and try to prevent myself from throwing up again. Of course with my luck, it doesn't work and I'm soon throwing up in the toilet again. His knocking becomes louder and he keeps repeating my name so I'm assuming he can hear me. "Will you please let me in?"

"No." I somehow manage out with my raspy voice.

"Please?" He asks quietly and I sigh.


"Because I need to know you're alright."

"I'm alright." I reply and he bangs what I'm assuming is his head against the door.

"Zoe." He warns and I grumble before opening the door slightly.

"See? I'm fine." I try to close the door again but he pushes against the door and prevents me from closing it.

"You're not." He easily pushes the door open because I don't have the strength to fight him to close it. I take a few shaky steps back so he can open the door and hang my head in shame. I don't want to tell him why I'm in here, but he probably already knows. This looks like an insult to his mums cooking, doesn't it?

At the sight of me, his features soften and he closes the door behind him. "Oh Zoe," He carefully approaches me like I'm some scared animal. I basically am when I shy away from him. "Please tell me what happened." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight to his chest. He's just so caring. So I tell him everything about it. I tell him about my trouble digesting meat and about the last time I had dinner at his house and the fact that Anne Marie doesn't need to know because it would seem like an insult to her cooking. By the time I had finished rambling, we had made it to the floor, him leaning against the wall and me in his arms and in-between his legs. Even though I was wearing next to nothing, I don't feel uncomfortable.

After sitting in silence for a while, I assume he fell asleep. But eventually he speaks in a soft tone. "Don't worry about my mum. I'll take care of her." He hugs me tighter and I can't help but feel some relief. "Do you need to puke anymore?" He asks and I sit up a little. I giggle and shake my head.

"I'll be alright now."

"Then lets go back to bed then." He helps me stand up and we slowly make our way back to his room. The boys are all fast asleep and the darkness makes it hard to navigate around them. When I finally make it to the bed, Ash kisses my temple and goes to lie on the floor. But I don't want him to sleep on the floor. I want him with me. I tug on his hand and he stops what he's doing. I pull him over to his bed with me and he gets my point. He takes off his shirt and gives it to me before lying down behind me and cradling me in his arms.

"Good night Ash."


"So cute."

"Shut up Cal, you don't need that because you have me." I hear Mikey chuckle and my tired eyes try to open. I hope that was a joke. As I become conscious I feel Ashton's heavy arm draped over me and I feel giddy inside. I used to listen to the other girls in my classes talk about waking up next to their boyfriends and I didn't understand what they thought was so special about it. I get it now. Sure, they wouldn't have had their friends in the same room watching them sleep. But still..

"You suck at hugs." Cal whines and Mikey gasps.

"Shut up dickhead. Do you want to wake everyone up?" Mikey scolds Cal and I hear him sigh.

"You can always give me a hug Cal." I manage out with my extremely dry throat and raspy voice.

"As much as I would love that, are you sure you wouldn't like some water? You sound like you've been a chain smoker for the last fifty years." I smile at Calum as a way of accepting his offer. He runs out of the room, avoiding the dead body on the floor that is Luke and heads out to the kitchen.

"Morning." Mikey smiles at me and I yawn. "Have fun last night?" He arches his eyebrow at me and looks from the sleeping Ashton behind me and back to me.

"If you're thinking anything happened, you're wrong. Nothing happened and you would have heard it if it did happen."

"Would I? I was black out drunk and sleeping like a log. Is this you telling me you're a vocal person?" My cheeks flame red as I realise I've backed myself into a corner.

"No, it's not." I look at Luke sleeping on the floor, wondering what he's dreaming about. Maybe some weird dream about guitars..

"So you're quiet? Interesting.."

"Mikey!" My eyes snap to his and a smile grows on his face to match the glimmer in his eyes. I hear a groan behind me and I glare at Mikey for waking Ashton up. He's so cute when he sleeps, especially when he's lying next to me with his arms wrapped around me.

"Why are you two yelling?" He groans and it sounds so sexy. Who knew a guys morning voice would sound like that.

"I wasn't yelling, Zoe was."

"I was not."

"She was."

"Why were you yelling at him?" He loosens his grip on me and I pout. I wasn't yelling at him.

"She was being defensive about how loud she was last night."

"You heard that? Mikey do you think you could not mention it to anyone?" Ashton says with a yawn while rolling away from me and sitting up.

"So you were having your own fun?" Mikey laughs. Ashton wipes the sleep out of his eyes as I turn to look at him.

"Well I wouldn't exactly call that fun." Mikey falls onto the ground in a fit of laughter. Why would Ashton assume he was talking about me puking and not about us apparently having sex with them in the room.

"What did I miss? Why is Mikey actually rolling on the floor laughing?" Cal hands me a glass of water that took way to long to get before sitting on the floor next to Mikey.

"These two had sex last night when we were in the room."

"Really?" Cal looks at us and I shake my head.

"Is that seriously what you were talking about Mikey?" Ashton looks down at him and he stops laughing.

"Yeah, weren't you?" Ashton looks from Mikey to me and closes his eyes for a second.

"No we weren't." I look at the two boys on the floor. "We went for a walk last night and I was yelling at Ash for something stupid. In fact it was so stupid, I don't even remember what it was." Ok so I'm not that good at making up lies.

"You went for a walk?" Cal asks and I nod my head. "And you were arguing?" I nod again. Is he buying this or not? "And you got into the same bed when you got back?"

"Never go to bed angry I always say." I throw the covers off and head for the door. "Who's hungry?" The boys all run out the door and down to the kitchen, leaving Luke to sleep on the floor in peace.

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