Chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13

            Ty traveled up the hills and pass trees calling Connor. "Connor, Connor, Connor hang on buddy I'm coming!" cried Ty. Mark took his time covering the trail so Ty won’t find his way home. "Ty we won’t be able to find him!" cried the wolf "the rain wash away his trail" said the other wolf. "I know where the hill is I'll go you guys go back" growled Ty. Ty transformed into the stage three wolf and ran off into the woods. The two wolves turned and face Mark "we know it was've been after Connor since the day he was born" said the first wolf. "You boys got nothing on me" said Mark.

            The wolves walk away only one spit at his feet.

"It was you Mark, I pity the day that Connor rises and seeks revenge on you...I'll be looking after the human girl if Ty asks me" said the second wolf.

"And when Connor DOES rise I'll worry about it then" Mark remarked.

The second wolf walk away Ty got up on the ledge of the mountain and look down only seeing rapid waves hitting hard against the rocks. Ty smelled the air to catch Connor's scent but the powerful rain had washed everything away. Out of rage and anger Ty howled at the moon.

            "How I’m gonna tell her?" cried Joanna.

"Joanna you must not linger on these maybe Ty has already found him" said one of the she-wolves.

Ty came through the crowd of people as a wolf to Joanna. Joanna tried to read him and look into his dog like eyes and saw sadness and failure.

"No, no it's's impossible" she cried "not my boy not my-" cried Joanna Ty wrap his big pawls around Joanna and let her cry on his fur.

            I waited on the porch I had a strange feeling in me like someone just took a knife and pierce it through my heart. I saw Joanna and Ty coming back from a distance I couldn't tell if Connor was with him. I ran off the porch and into the grassy plains where it floods I got really wet. But I got closer Connor my smile wiped away from my face. Only Joanna and Ty, I walk closer and closer we met eyes to eyes.

"Where is Connor?" I ask Joanna tried to keep a straight face but I saw she had been crying. Ty handed me one of the un-broken dog tag only with three names: "CONNOR JOSHUA WRIGHT".

            I cup my hands over my mouth thinking 'he’s dead'. Joanna hugged me and I had anger building up inside my face turned red and I felt sick the pierce threw my heart has turned into a big gaping hole.

"Let it out Jessica...let it out" said Ty stroking my hair then hugged me. I screamed a little and then louder and louder till I turned blue. Joanna held me tighter and then Ty hugged me and cried a little I've never seen or heard a man cry before.

I finally cried out louder than the thunder storms "CONNOR!!! CONNOR!!!! NOOO!!!" my own breath left me and I fainted.

            I drifted into a deep sleep when I can actually see my dreams clear. I saw a mountain the mountain everyone is forbidden to go into. I saw then a cliff, the cliff which is steep and long at the bottom sharp rocks and rough waters. Then came a voice whispering to me soothing me then I heard one word "Jessica" I woke up I knew it was Connor's voice. I woke up in my room Joanna sat on my rocking chair, rocking back and forth, Ty sitting on my window sill waiting patiently for me to wake. I hope that hearing Connor died would just be a terrible nightmare.

            "Where is Connor?" I asked "Connor is....gone Jessica" Ty held back tears.

"You’re crying Ty" I said. "He was my son...I took care of him...I fed him, taught him, I raised him" said Ty

"give me a reason not too" he said.

I put my head down and put my hands over my ears

"He made us promise to take care of you" said Joanna.

"So we shall...we will watch your every move if a vampire comes near you we will kill them if any dangerous human comes near you we will find them and kill them" said Ty.

"I want Connor so badly" I cried "I heard him in my dreams" I said.

            "He's not alive Jess" said Ty "just reflections of your memories" he added.

"What I’m to do now?" I ask "respect his wishes and move on...slowly at your own paste" said Joanna.

I put my head down and look up again to notice they were gone. How I’m gonna tell my Aunt? I went down stairs and slowly with mind set on a lie I have to tell. I went into the living room and stand in front of my Aunt

. "Jessica what's wrong?" she ask.

            "Connor...broke up with me" I cried

"oh honey" she hugged me

"you cry like he was dead" said Aunt Cara. 'Jee how'd you guess' I thought

"he said 'he moved away' I said "and he was never coming back" I add.

‘You horrible liar, he will’ I thought. He will come back I know it he's not dead. My Aunt told me the usual “comforting words" 'your too good for him, he’s an idiot'. I wanted to tell the truth Connor WAS a Werewolf and I LOVED HIM he was just right for me. Now nothing will be the same.

R.I.P Connor Joshua Wright

June 15th 1992- October 21st, 2010

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