Chapter forty-one

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Chapter 41

     Morning came and I felt great Connor slept next to me Joanna and Joseph went hunting. I woke up in the hospital bed it was early in the morning. Connor was asleep Josephina sat with across the room as if she was waiting for me to wake up.

"Josephina" I said

"they know"she said

"who knows" I ask in concern

"the werewolf clans....they know you are pregnant" said Josephina.

I was really confused "isn’t that a good thing?" I ask "not unless you’re a wolf" she said.

"It's forbidden??" I ask concern.

 "Extremely" my heart pounded.

"No worries my love all you need to do is get an abortion and-"

"no! No! I want this Connor wants's our child" I shouted.

Josephina grabbed my hands "shh shh shh...shhhh" she calmed me down.

"No need to wake up Connor" she added.

"If this baby is what you want then we'll do anything to protect you" she said.

"Have you pretty much put your lives on the line already?" I ask in guilt.

"We love you, we want to protect you" she said.

   I smiled a tad I turned to look at Connor his hand nicely place on top of my stomach. I stroke his hair and scared skin "Christopher" I said.


"Connor's real name was suppose too be Christopher his mom never told him" I said.

"Oh.....Jessica if you had to choose to be a vampire or a wolf...which one would you be?" she ask.

I paused and look at Connor then thought about Joseph. "Josephina....don’t make me choose between them Connor is my love and Joseph was my life saver...I don't who I should be" I said softly.

"Joseph is coming back with Joanna I need to eat" with a blink of an eye she was gone.

    Connor woke up he yawned and stretch. "It's so quite" whispered Connor.

I smiled and kiss him softly "I wanna go home" I whispered.

"We'll go home soon" he said cuddling up to me.

I felt butterflies burst in my stomach the feeling of total bliss deepens into my heart.

"Oh, I love you and our baby" I said he kiss my stomach softly. I tilt my head back and felt the sensation fill me. Nothing can spoil this for me. Nothing.

    That afternoon we went home Joanna look more stabled now that she had her fill of blood. That question that Josephina ask me stuck in my head for the whole day. I could live forever like Joseph but I have to suffer to thirst of blood and have to watch people die in front of me. Even Connor, or I can become Connor seems less dangerous. But so short tempered, Or maybe he's not maybe it’s just the way he is.

  "Jessica?" I turned around to see Joseph with a strange object in his hand with white paper wrap around it.

"Yes?" I said softly.

"Umm, I got you something, for the baby that is" I smiled he came in and sat down and handed me the present. "Oh Joseph you didn’t have to do this" I said he smiled and handed it to me "for you" I kiss his cold cheek and I unwrap it.

"It's monitor...Joanna said that in case the baby cries the monitor will pick up the sound and you can hear from anywhere in the house".

I smiled "aww thank you Joseph" he smiled.

    "I’m thinking of naming the baby....Joseph" I said looking at him his smile grew bigger his eyes beautiful gold I smiled a bit.

"And this is from Josephina, its more for you" he said.

It was a there national symbol of the vampires. I attach it to the key chain wolf that Joanna gave me. "Now you are part of two worlds" said Joseph.

"But I can only be in one" I said.

Connor came in "um are you guys ready for the ceremony?" he ask.

I nodded my head and Joseph came along. Connor look at me and said "you look beautiful" said Connor. I smiled and blush "first time I've ever seen color to her skin" said Joseph with his liquid voice.

    Connor climbed onto the rocks I stood behind him with Joanna, Josephina and Joseph. Connor stood among his people the forest started coming back to life the light blue water reflect the sky and clouds. The green trees started coming to life and the black musty dirt was turning back to rich brown soil. No longer clan of werewolf’s but clans of vampires and werewolves. A family.

"I don't know what to say" whispered Connor.

Joanna approached him and whispered softly in his ear "tell em, that you'll be a true leader don't be nervous tell em you will protect them to the end of the world".

     Connor came to the edge of the cliff. "My brothers and sisters, creatures of the night and day....I've seen horror true horror before but never like this....I promise to you I will protect you till the day I will lead the land back to true colors...I can't be more proud of how you all pulled through now the evil is over you can all wake up with no fear and no hate....I promise you a free land!" people cheered and clap.I couldn’t be more proud of him. Then they chanted my name I was not a good speech maker.  

   "Just say you'll be a good queen" said Joseph with his liquid voice.

Connor held his hand out; I was extremely nervous people called my name and said "human girl" they knew I was pregnant with Conner's baby.

"Meet our new Queen Jessica....Wright" I look at Conner.

"Will you take my last name Jessica?" he asked softly.

I stroke his cheek "yes" I said breathlessly he kiss me softly. "My new Queen" he whispered I was happy I belonged to something.

I remember where I was the outcast in school wasn’t the type to date the famous football player or be the popular cheerleader. I didn’t even have a future planned. Now I belong to someone and somewhere I feel different.

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