Chapter twenty-five

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Ok, Connor is alive and let's not forget he is a werewolf, meanwhile Jesse is dating a vampire which is the werewolf's biggest and only enemy...and people thought Bella had it bad...

Chapter 25

            I laid him on my bed and covered him with the sheets. The infection gave him a bad fever. He was in so much pain all he wanted to do was love me and tell me how much he miss me. How sorry he was, tears streamed down on his face I cleaned up the cut put bandages on and prayed Advil couldn't bring down the fever. Day turned to night Connor slept most of the day I didn’t leave his side.

            I stroke his forehead kiss him do what I should do comfort him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw me he looked me with the saddest face I've ever seen. "Jess, I’m warm" he whispered

I dap the cold rag on him "'s cold" I said softly.

His breathing was very soft and weak. "I miss you" he said softly and weakly I kiss him on his lips bring back memories.

I forgot all about Joseph he was safe right now Connor was my concern. Our cheeks rubbed together as we kiss.

            "I miss you so much...all I ever did was dream about you" I said.

"All I ever did was think about you" he whispered weakly.

Tears rolled down my face I crawled under the sheets with him and held him tightly. His heart beat was no stranger to me but a blessing "I'm in so much pain" he cried softly.

"It'll go away I promise you" I said. He cough in pain my stomach turned to knots but I wonder mostly who did this to him.

            One night when Connor was in a deep sleep I went into the woods and screamed "TY! I FOUND CONNOR HE IS ALIVE!!!!" at first I didn't hear anything then I heard a howl from the mountains.

I saw four paws rapidly coming down its eyes were brown and warm and his fur black. It was Ty I approach Ty afraid to touch his thick wavy fur I finally touch his wet noise I kneeled down and said "Ty I've found him he's alive" Ty's face lighted up he tilt his head back and howled.

Ty kneeled down which told me to get on. I climbed on his back and we race back home.

            Connor was just waking up and Ty was in human form. We climbed into my window Ty look at Connor barely breathing and dying of a fever. Ty sat on the bad next to Connor and stroke Connor's hair I sat on my window sill "mmm...Dad?" said Connor in a hoarse voice.

"Connor" he said holding back tears my heart pounded out of my chest

"I feel sick dad" said Connor

"it's just a fever don't worry it'll pass" said Ty

"where is Joanna?...where is my mom?" ask Connor looking around with his eyes barely opened Ty look at me he didn’t know what to say.

He look back at Connor "Son...." he trailed off he was trying his best not to cry "dad your cryin" he said hoarsely

Ty broke down and laid his head on Connor's.

            "I miss you so much" he cried Connor lift his arms up and wrap them around Ty.

Hearing Ty cry made me feel sad as well I started to cry a little. Ty look at Connor again "your mom....left son...her heart was broken she couldn't stay with the clan" said Ty.

Connor looked the other way trying not to let his father see him cry. "What...mmm...else has changed?" he growled.

" still here....I'm still your matter what were still friends and family" said Ty. I approached Connor and sat on the other side of the bed.

            "I'm still your baby" I cried softly Connor held out his hand I came closer to his chest and laid on it.

He wrapped me up and cried very hard. He screamed mom and curse words I thought he would never do. He was so weak he couldn't crush me. Ty laid his head on top of Connor's "it's okay to cry Connor"

he said strongly "let it out son".

Soon Connor fell back to sleep, he cried himself to sleep Ty told me to not tell him of the vampire.

I agreed "the only thing he needs is you Jess" Ty said I agreed to take care of him.


            About two weeks Connor was on bed rest little by little he started talking more. Some nights would be hard because of the fever others he would be asleep. Very rarely I get to talk to him. When we did he would mumble and made it hard for me to understand then slowly drift to sleep; I would go to sleep with him so I can see him in my dreams. I would try to go to sleep but reality was way better then dreaming. Once I did fall asleep I manage to that night. It was in the tall grass it was really warm too.

            I look around calling Connor. He ran up to me and spanned me around he was quite healthy looking again. "You saved kept me alive" he whispered

I smiled "I was dying without you...slowly....physically" I said he was still bandaged up.

"Don't wake up" he whispered

"how can I not do that?" I ask

"just keep thinking, eyes shut" he said I heard his breathing; felt his heart beat it was a miracle Connor is alive. I got my baby back.

            It felt like hours we laid in the grass and talk but mostly about who tried to kill him. "I hardly was so fast" he claimed all he remembered is falling and calling for me.

I could only imagine Joseph pop into my head a couple of times. I could not bear to tell Connor how could I? Yes, Connor did tell me to move on but with whom? I told Connor revenge isn't good. That’s when I woke up, woken up by the telephone ringing. I ran down stairs and answered it.

            "Hello?" I ask in a hoarse voice.

"Jessica; Joseph" my heart went to my stomach can it get any worse.

"Joseph!" I said trying to act surprised

"how’s it going?" he ask.

"Umm...Joseph I got to tell you something" I said trying not to cry

"what's wrong? I hear pain in your voice" he said in concern

"Connor's back!" I whimpered.

Joseph was silent over the phone "how is he? Is he okay?" ask Joseph

"he's sick" I said

"stay by him, I'll be home soon" said Joseph

. "NO! Joseph he doesn't know of you" I said

"will you be all right?" he ask

"Just fine" I said

"okay safe...bye" I heard dial tone "I love you" I whispered.

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