Chapter twenty-seven

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Chapter 27

            Weeks pass my heart was healing. Joseph will call once in a while I'll make sure Connor is not in the room. Connor started gaining back his strength his cuts started to fade but his bruises stayed. Every day he could run faster, he trusts his body again to know what to do. But everyday that'll pass he'll mention his revenge everything went back to normal but Aunt Cara was still gone. I was beginning to worry she hasn't called I would stay by the phone and wait....wait and wait. I was really worried.

            "She'll call" he always says not giving up hope.

I tend to over think things what if a vampire or a werewolf got her? Mark? Or a vicious vampire I will block those thoughts from my mind like a virus on a computer. Connor would take care of me, and I of him. He would not sleep some nights he can only see the image of him falling off the cliff. It concerned me. He would scream in the night if he did sleep I would wake up and struggle to wake him.

            May had come school was over with college approached I decided to become a nurse for the U.N. I studied up on it. One day on a clear blue sky day Ty came and visited. He was happy Connor was back on his feet and thanked me for helping. "Jessica...I got bad news of your aunt" said Ty.

My heart pounded out of my chest Ty held me close to him and said "you have every right to cry and to scream".

"We found your aunt in the woods....and she is....dead" said Ty.

Connor grabbed my hand my heart pounded harder and faster. I got up and started having a panic attack.

            "SHhhhh...Jess" said Connor holding me.

I finally cried out of my panic attack. "My only family!" I screamed my face burned and turned beat red.

"What monster was it...that killed Cara?" ask Connor.

"One of our own" said Ty

"we aren't monsters I left for nine months and we start killing!" shouted Connor.

"She was on a business trip how can this be possible!" I cried Ty held me closer to him

"she was on her way home and she got attack....there was nothing neither I nor the clan could do" said Ty.

            My heart pound so hard "Jessica calm down your heart can't take it" said Ty.

I black out and went into a small coma for the night. Ty and Connor kept watch over me. That night when Ty was asleep in my aunt's room Connor kept watch over me. "I'm so sorry baby I'm so sorry" he said softly.

"I will be your family now" he whispered

"I will watch over you have over me...oh Jessica I love you" he kiss me softly on my cheek.

            I grabbed his arm and whispered "don't leave" I can tell he was crying he was sniffling.

"I will never leave you" he whispered he stroke my cheek.

"Is my aunt alive?" I ask maybe it was all a dream. "No honey your aunt is not alive...she is in a better place now with your mom" he said I sighed.

            Meanwhile in Portugal Joseph was in the cave were we "did it" he can't help the feeling I'm in pain. "She is just fine Joseph" said Josephina

"she is crying she is in pain" said Joseph.

"Mine as well tell you" said Josephina

"what!" he said with anger.

"Her aunt has died from a werewolf attack" she said.

Joseph paused "if I could cry for her I would" he said softly.

"She has brought out so much human mentally in you don't let go of her" said Josephina.

"I will not make her choose between me and Connor" said Joseph.

            "I love her yes, she has made me feel human but she has lost everything grew up with no family only me and the unholy creatures!" said Joseph.

"You grew up over hundreds of years without no one and now your one time of happiness you’re gonna let it go?" ask Josephina.

"I love her too much to be selfish I only want HER happy" said Joseph

"see that's what you don't understand about love Josephina....when you love someone so much you can't just keep' em" Joseph put his hand over his heart. He felt a big 'thump' in his chest.

"Joseph?" ask Josephina.

            "Woah!" he said Josephina approach him and held his chest.

"I feel thumps" he said

"there strong ones" he said trying to catch his breath.

"Did you taste her blood?" she asked.

Joseph nodded 'yes' "you feel what she feels" she said.

Joseph tilt his head back and said "I want it to stop its going fast" he said out of breath.

After a couple of seconds it stopped. "How did it feel?" ask Josephina

" I was being re-born coming out and feeling your heart....boom...boom...boom" he said imitating his heart.

"But it was a beat of grief not love or happiness" said Joseph he took a deep breath.

            " are so creature of the night" said Josephina. Josephina's lips curled and her eyes widen in hunger.

"" said Joseph.

"We aren't related" said Josephina

"true but I love does Connor" said Joseph.

Josephina stroke his face and said "I have forgot the taste of your blood" her eyes turned blood red.

"I don't know how strong my skin has gotten" said Joseph in a trans.

"I can bite through it...I've been dead longer then you...I'm a lot stronger" she whispered.

            "How will this benefit me?" he asked.

"I will feel what Jessica feels to keep her safe from harm and you safe" said Josephina.

Joseph tilted his neck to the side; faintly showing his icy veins and said "take whatever you need" he said.

Josephina smelled his blood pulsing he pulled her head closer to his chest and bit down on his neck. Still remembering the feeling how it felt good to Joseph he fell into a trans having no control over his feelings. Josephina made him lay down on the rocks Joseph opened his eyes to the full moon.

"I love you Jessica" he whispered.


Ok, Josephina and Joseph's realtionship with be explained in time!

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