Chapter forty-six

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Yes Jessica had to be change into a vampire. Not everything goes as planned and I thought it would be a great twist! 

 BTW I'm sorry if I'm posting really late I got a small case of the stomach flu that caused me to sleep most of the day. 

 Chapter 46

     "How’s Jessica?" ask Joseph. Joanna put her head down.

"What has happened?" ask Joseph.

"She was losing too much blood and....Josephina had to change her to a vampire" said Joanna.

Joseph tilt his head back and said "oh no oh God" "I know I don't know how Connor is going to take it...he's whole life has been changed a year" said Joanna.

"Yeah, but I don't think he lives in regret" said Joseph.

"Jessica, is so beautiful so brave foolish but brave" he add. Joanna smiled and kissed Joseph.

   "I think I should go check on Jessica...she'll probably be happy to see me" said Joseph.

"Make sure you bring back the baby if Connor wakes he'll be happy to see his new born daughter" said Josephina.

"I'll let Josephina come back with the baby and I'll stay with Jess" said Joseph he jump out of the window and ran to the forest.

"I wonder what you’re dreaming of my son" said Joanna.

Joseph rush to the forest and saw me half way dying. And saw Josephina holding the baby "she so beautiful" said Joseph.

He held the baby close to him "Josephina what is that?" pointing to the inside of the baby's mouth.

" looks like a tooth" said Josephina they look at each other with confusing looks "that’s impossible" said Josephina.

"She a werewolf, they grow a little bit faster" said Joseph.

"Joseph, Joseph" I moaned in pain.

Joseph gave the baby to Josephina and walk over to me. "Hey mom" said Joseph.

"Is she beautiful?" I cried in pain "oh she wonderful, so beautiful" said Joseph.

"Oh Joseph...I...I’m so body burns but I’m soo c-cold" I stuttered.

    "I know I know it'll pass" he whispered.

"Is Connor he he breathing?" I said.

"Connor is out cold Jessica I know this is not the way you guys planned...but your safe...the baby is healthy and you'll be fine in a couple of days" said Joseph.

"I’m worried of Connor" I said.

"Were keeping him safe" said Joseph he stroke my hair back I smiled.

"I’m gonna take Evelina home when Connor wakes he'll see her in his arms he'll be struck by her beauty" said Joseph.

    "And the tooth she already growing" said Josephina.

Joseph giggled he kiss my forehead and said "in the next two days you'll wake up to new life" said Joseph.

He took the baby and left. The baby slept soundly in his arms. "Hang on baby Evy...wait till daddy sees’re so beautiful" said Joseph.

    He arrived home Connor was awake he held his head down in anger and hate. Joseph could sense it "Connor…" Joseph whispered.

Connor look up he was crying his face was puffy and red. "Her name is Evelina Cara Wright" said Joseph Connor was struck by his new born daughter.

He walk up and held Evelina "h-hi Evelina...I’m your daddy" said Connor.

Tears flowed down his face. "Shh easy Connor" said Joanna

. "She looks so much like her mother" he cried.

"She'll be home soon" said Joseph "I want her in my arms" cried Connor.

He kiss Evelina's forehead softly. Evy yawned "you’re getting your baby tooth" said Connor in a hoarse voice.

   "None of this would've happened if Elizabeth would've left your mother alone" said Connor holding the baby closer to him.

"You’re so small my love" cried Connor.

"Connor come on, let the baby rest I'll take you to Jessica" said Josephina.

Connor kissed Evelina on her forehead again and said "I'll be back soon".

Josephina rush outside into the woods along with Connor. "Take care of your niece" said Connor to Joseph he smiled and look at Evelina

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