Chapter fifty-eight

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Chapter 58

    I watch over my baby on my guard Connor went out to the clan. I watch the window and I watch the door. My baby was asleep but I can tell she was faking sleeping. Her eyes flickered and her body kept moving.

"Mom?" she said

"yes baby?" I ask

"Why are we so different from creatures of the world?" she asked.

"Do you remember that Halloween show you watch once with Dracula and the wolf man?" I whispered.

She nodded her head "Dracula was afraid of the sun light...and the wolf man was of silver" I said.

   "I have a silver chain I’m not afraid of it" said Evy.

"That’s because those things were fake...silver doesn’t kill wolves and the sun doesn’t kill vampires.....but since one can live at night and one by day they see a difference there which we cannot see people like us baby" I said.

"I wish I wasn’t so different it isn’t fair" she said I put my head down and cried a tear streamed down my cold face.

" don’t special you are to me and your dad...we were so looking forward into having you" I said.

   "What’s wrong mom why are you crying?" said Evelina.

"Nothing dear...mommy loves you so much" I said Evelina hugged me and said "I love you to mom" I cuddled under the sheets with her and let her rest under my arms.

Her skin was warm and soft mine was cold and hard as a rock. I felt my eye lids shutting and my body going numb. For once in over a couple months I was gonna sleep again.


   "Who is protecting Evy! What of Jesse!" the clan was in an uproar.

Connor directed certain parties to go in the woods. "Connor you should go home to the girls" said Ron.

Connor turned his head and walk away "Connor we can handle it from here the girls need you!" Connor grabbed Ron by the throat and hurled him to a tree.

"What I’m ought to do go home like a coward and tell my wife and kid why I’m here!" he said.

"Jesse is afraid Connor...the clan will understand" he said choking.

Connor let go of Ron "watch the door tonight Joanna is gonna be there too but she is preganat as we know she can't defend in her condition" said Connor.

"Anything for you Connor" said Ron walking to the house. 

    The moon was out and clear Connor tilt his head and howled at it; out of anger and rage. My baby girl herd it from miles she got out of bed and walk to the window and started howling I was in a deep sleep trying to see the images that pass in my head. It felt good sleeping. Evy climbed onto the window sill she felt the window and the cool brisk night air.

   "Good evening Evelina Wright" said a deep voice she turned around and saw Elizabeth's brother.

Her heart pound out of control "shhhh...let’s not wake mommy" he said.

"You’re a bad man" she said the moon shined on her and she transformed into a wolf.

"You look just like your daddy" he said she growled a bit and pace back and forth in front of the bed. With one swing of his hand Evelina was knock unconscious.

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