Chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14

            Funeral arraignments were made and I couldn't bear to go but I had too. Ty made sure I was kept at his side for Mark was there.

"So your Jessica what pretty face" said Mark touching my face.

He was cold I felt it he made me feel uncomfortable.

"Get away from her Mark...for Connor's sake" said Ty moving his hand away.

"You’re gonna have to accept he's dead" said Mark.

"His sprit will always be with me" I said sadly.

Ty held me under his arm safely "of course" said Mark holding his hand over his dead beating heart.

            He walk away leaving me and Ty by the grave I kneeled down and look at the inscription

"Loving son wonderful friend and beautiful boyfriend".

"You wasn't fair to what happened to"

I said playing around with the grass "and they've always said life is unfair and heart will always beat for you...For as long I can hold on" I cried.

I cuff my hands over my face "I don't know if- if I can...m-move's just wasn't fair" I whimpered.

"Come honey it's not the time not in front of the pack" Joanna said she pulled me off the ground and into the back.

On the way slowly wolves started chanting "Connor" and clapping for him it lifted my sprit a lot. It sounded like he was running a marathon.

            I got home that day I was very depressed. What I’m to do with myself now? That night my Aunt made hamburgers with bake beans she ask if I wanted a veggie burger I said "no". I ate four meaty burgers after that I felt bloated and sick I burp which signified that I needed to throw up. I rush upstairs to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I thought after 2-3 times I would stop but I kept going. I think I was gonna keep doing this all night. I was sweaty, red I couldn't catch my breath and I got the burning in my throat from the acid.

            Two in the morning and still throwing up I had such bad chills but I manage to put on my PJs which I accidently threw up on then I just had my bra on. I went to sleep at the foot of the toilet; going into my dream comas. I saw the forbidden mountain again then the cliff I walk closer to the cliff and look down. A person pop out of it I was scared my heart raced and pound he landed on the ground he was dripping wet and he look cold. I notice a cut on his stomach and his shirt all torn. He came up to me and said "Jessica" I opened my eyes and recognized the voice it was Connor's old memories torturing me.

            I got up slowly recognizing it was day light, early day light I knew I had to go to school I frowned most days I would wake up and say poems in my head about the morning. But there was no poems just a pale hungry looking face. I got dress, wash my mouth and cleaned my face.

On my way out my Aunt stop me and said "oh no you’re not! You’ve been up all night in that toilet! You’re staying home!" she cried. Being home will make me think of Connor. I got to have something to keep me busy.

            Aunt Cara gave me medince and sent me to my room. I crawled under my covers and smelled the covers they smelt just like him. I cried a lot that day stayed under the bed not getting any food or drinks. I could stay like this for the rest of my life. Connor mentioned moving on which I'm trying to do. But nothing about the horrible terror of pain I had to handle. What if this will never go away?

            I heard thunder it was annoying I got out of bed and walk back and forth. Then the terrible rain pounded against the window. I gone into a rage and trash my room, thunder signifying my anger that I lost him. Rain signifying the painful tears I cry that I can never get him back. My Aunt came into my trash room and gasp thinking I went crazy "Jessica Penn!" she cried.

            "Aunt Cara? Why did he leave me?" I cried.

My pulse was out of control and I was shaking. Aunt Cara wrapped me in a blanket and sat me down and gave me a talk about guys and how they think. It didn't help me because he’s dead he’s not alive and in another state. My Aunt wanted me home for another day just in case that night the rain had stop I always loved after rain stop I can open my window and smell the crisp cool clean air. After a nice shower I felt a little better I slowly will progress to get better.

            I heard a big whoosh come into the window and saw a red head it was only Joanna.

"Joanna!" I cried running to her she look terrible. She was skinnier, and she looked like she hasn’t taken a shower in weeks.

"Hello Jessica dear" she said weakly

"no offence Jo, but you don't look so good" I said, I tried not to gag at her smell.

"Oh honey Connor's death took its toll on the pack" she said sadly.

            "How have you been?" she asked

"horrible like you" I said sitting on my bed.

"It'll get better you'll see" she said.

I rolled my eyes and said "I keep dreaming about him...The only time I dream of him as if he comes into them" I said.

"Hmm...Probably repeats of old memories...your mind does do that baby" said Joanna.

I put my head down and thought deep down he's alive. I know it and I feel it I look up and Joanna was gone. I look out the window to look for her. No sight I knew he was alive I felt it if he isn't then my life would be...depressing.

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