Chapter nineteen

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I hope everyone is enjoying it so far! I liked writing this chapter I had to rewrite it though because it didn't fit in with my other stories. Yes I am writing two more stories to go with this and since I wrote this a long time ago, there were a lot of things I have forgot or changed so here is nineteen! 

Chapter 19

            Day turned to night I fainted I guess when Joseph was taking my blood. I wonder if I was a vampire now.

 "Joseph?" I ask

 "Hello sunshine" he said stroking my cheek.

 "I still feel my heart beat" I said breathlessly

"The last time I remember the living is supposed to have a pulse" he chuckled.

 "I’m a vampire?" I ask stupidly his eyes widen

 "No...You fainted when you saw your own blood" he said.

"You were out for the rest of the day" Joseph said tenderly. Strange I didn't dream about Connor.

            I look at my bitten arm "It was hard keeping my venom from going into the blood" Joseph said.

 "Why did you wanna taste my blood?" I ask

 "Your blood can tell a lot about you" he said.

 He said I'm always depressed subconsciously he asked why and I didn't know how to respond when I knew the real reason. My blood taste like sweet pie something he miss for many years I never knew our blood can taste like human food.

"I'm happy because of you" I said he kiss me softly

 "I feel human emotions...I feel when your sad, happy...mad" he said.

 "What do you feel now?" I whispered.

"You’re...happy" he softly said.

            I smiled nothing can spoil this moment for me. Not even Connor was traveling through my head. That late evening Joseph took me to Connor's grave it was spooky but I wasn't scared. "Well...3 months pass...I miss you so much I keep dreaming about you constantly you say you would come back" I spoke to the stone.

 "I'm learning guitar and I'm writing songs...I meet someone his name is Joseph....he takes care of me makes sure I'm protected he's a vampire" I said.

 "I know it’s against everything you....stand for but he makes much" tears rolled down my face.

            Joseph rush to my side "if you can't do this you must not force yourself" he said grabbing my arm his eyes glowed gold.

 "I love you Connor" I cried Joseph held me close to him his body turn my tears into snowflakes.

"I know you still love him" Joseph whispered.

 "Kill me! Kill me now!"

  "Never" he growled

 "Please kill me!!!!!" I screamed

 "Never!" he yelled.

 He got angry and walked away "you must...not...make me...angry Jessica!" he growled his eyes turned red.

 My cold snowflakes tears turned back to steamy hot ones. 'What have I done?' I thought

 "I'm sorry" I cried softly

"Now you know why I can't go all the way with you" said Joseph.

            Joseph came back and hugged me "I'm sorry Joseph" I said frightened.

"You were better off with Connor at least he didn't scare least his skin was warm and wouldn't kill you if you touch him" said Joseph.

 "Don't speak like this" I cried "your my best friend...I love you".

 He wrap his arms around me and kiss the top of my head "I'm gonna take you need your rest" he said.

"I want to be you" I said

 "I want to walk the earth like you do" I said

 "Jessica Penn you don't know what you’re asking for" Joseph said I felt a sudden rush of wind blow over me.

            I opened my eyes and we were flying over a big puddle "what is this?" I ask.

"It's the closest you’re gonna get in being me" he said

 I was right on his back. Joseph came closer to the puddle "what body of ocean is this?" I ask

"Your right on top of the Atlantic Ocean" he said

 I gasp the water was calm and it reflect of the night sky. The moon reminded of Joseph’s pale skin and its peace that fills me. The beautiful stars are Connor's eyes watching me.

            Joseph turned around and we were face to face. It was too real to be a dream Joseph put his two hands around the back of his head. It was like the sky was all around us I didn't know where it ended or began. Even though his skin was cold I still laid my head on his chest.

            "I hear whales" Joseph said

"Where" I ask

 "Just north of us, the way were heading" he said.

 I listened, quietly not breathing or making a sound I finally hear cries they were whales singing. "I hear them!" I exclaimed

 He smiled at me; mine disappeared "what’s wrong?" he ask worriedly

"Why can't I be like you...look at this look what you can do" I said.

 His smile disappeared "I drink blood...I can't go out in the day light without turning invisible...I can't touch you without you shivering or getting goosebumbs!" he cried

 "This is the only positive thing I can do is people through their blood and basically run very fast" he add. "The vampires on TV make me look like a normal guy" he said.

            "Please calm down.........If something bad happens to me I want you to turn me into a vampire" I said.

 He took my head into his hands and said "you see that’s the thing before something bad happens I will be there to save you".

He told me everything about his past how he came to be. He and his father were attacked by a group of British Soldiers. His father died. A few days later a vampire found him and bit him.

            The venom was like poison, it traveled to his heart and stopped it for the past three days his body felt like it was on fire it burned him. Pretty soon he developed fangs and a craving for blood. It was the most painful he has ever been in being around humans was hard, very hard. There are only two ways you can kill a vampire is to cut off its food supply which is impossible, or to weaken it by fighting with it and then do the most horrible things to it. Joseph did not mention it but it was bad he said.

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