Chapter twenty-six

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Chapter 26

            I went back upstairs Connor was trying to sit up. I drop my food I was bringing up and rush over to him

"Connor... you sure you wanna try?" I ask.

Connor continued getting up he held on to me and my bed he gave a painful expression. He was standing up I was so happy "I feel my strength coming back" he said. I hugged Connor I was so happy his body was burning hot times like that I think I wanted Joseph around. "I think I need to sit down now" he said sitting back down.

I kneeled down to him and said "what can I do to help you?"

he sighed and paused for a minute and look at me"find my mother.....find the clan...I remember who did this to us" said Connor.

            "I don't know where your mother is" I whispered.

"She has the power to hear you by her by thought...tell her to come to your house" said Connor.

I closed my eyes and focused on Joanna "Joanna...Joanna....where are you...come to my house....It's me...Jesse" I repeated over and over.

We waited and waited I opened my eyes and said "I don't think she gonna come" Connor look disappointed.

I hugged him what can I really do or say that's gonna make him feel better. Our foreheads connected and then our lips. It didn't feel right to me I was cheating on Joseph.

            Should I tell him? How is he gonna react I was dating a vampire? He stopped kissing me "What is it...what's wrong?" I ask.

Connor held my hands "are you dating a vampire?" he asked my heart drop to the floor

"you told me to move on" I whispered.

"I know I did, I just didn't think it would be with a vampire" he said calmly

"you found him or he found you?" he ask

"he saved me" I said putting my head down.

"What'd you mean?" he ask

"I was walking through the forest one day and a....werewolf came out of nowhere and try to kill me...Joseph jump in and saved me.....he's found of you Connor...he respects you".

"Joseph? I do not know a Joseph" he said.

I'm stuck between them "I'm sorry Connor" I said.

            "Don't be....I'll leave and you two will be happy" said Connor

"NO!" I shouted

"don't you leave....the love I had for you is still there" I said.

"But you can't love two" said Connor.

I started crying Connor held me "shhhh....shhhh...don't worry we'll figure out something"

"I just wanna be with you now" I said softly.

Connor held me tighter against his skin "you know I go against vampires" said Connor

"he does not want a fight he wants to be your friend" I whispered.

"Where is he? Then I would like to meet him" he said

"running away.... from a wolf" I said.

"I gotta find the clan" said Connor. I heard a 'whoosh' come in my window.

            "Don't you ever use my door Ty?" I ask

he chuckled and said "nah...I love surprising you, Jesse" Connor jump over my bed and hugged his father.

"My boy, you feeling well?" he ask

"so so...I'm standing aren't I?" he ask

"you still look weak" said Ty.

"Don't'll get your strength back and we'll find the vampire and kill him!" said Ty

"NO! It wasn't a vampire it was one of us" said Connor.

Connor look at me and both of us said "Mark".

"How can it be him?" said Ty "think about it, he's been trying to be head leader for a long time" said Connor.

            Ty agreed on what we said. I was happy Connor was getting his strength back. I let him walk a couple times he fell once he couldn't get up. I got on the floor with him "you been doing well...don't quite on me" I said Connor laid on the floor

"I fell my wound hurt me my stomach felt like it was moving all around as I was falling...then when I hit the water it felt like someone had just whip me" said Connor.

I had tears rolling down my face "I didn't know how I survived in the water I Maine...I was part dead" he continued.

            "I thought I was dead ...I just had to see your face one last time" said Connor

"whenever I felt death coming I would use my one last bit of power to see you" he said.

I forgot that he could enter my dreams. I smiled from his smell but his body was like fire. He made it hard to breath.

"I miss my mom" he whispered I closed my eyes and said softly

"I miss mine too"

"Half way to death...I saw my real one...she was so beautiful". I smiled he saw heaven.

            "She had long blondish flowing hair and brown eyes she kiss me and said my name" he chuckled

"originally my name was suppose too be....Christopher" I smiled then I thought about my mom I wonder if my name was suppose too be different.

I started to cry "what's wrong my love?" he ask.

"I never knew my mom" I whimpered Connor wrap me around closer and comfort me.

"Shhh...shhh...let it out" said Connor.

Connor started getting up. He was standing on two feet he reach out his hand "if I can you" he said.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

            We were eye to eye. His big muscles tempted me his cuts and bruises were all over his body. "As soon as I get well...I'm gathering enough werewolves and I will kill Mark and I'll be clan leader and you'll be my queen".

He stroked my cheek as I blushed. But I put my head down "what's wrong?" he ask

"I have to tell you something" I cried.

"There is someone else? A vampire...yeah Ty told me...honey...I-"

"I’m sorry!" I broke down.

            "No don't be I smell him he was here I may not like him but he took care of you but you love him" he said.

"And you...I love you"

"you can't love two" he said.

I cried more "I'll be on my way when he comes back" he said


Connor held me tighter "I love you" he whispered

"please don't leave me" I cried more.

"I'm not gonna make you choose your heart must make that decision". I pulled Connor's lips close to mine and kiss him.....

"I choose you".

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