Chapter thirty-three

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Happy Memorial Day to all the brave men and women who scarficed their lives for my freedom! This chapter is dedicated to you! This chapter shows a good example about, bravery, love and trust. <33

Chapter 33

            The forest was a dream I always wanted to live. Now that I'm I have the one I loved with me. I look around the moon beam reflecting off the water. Connor cradled me in his arms I sweated a bit but the more I thought about it the more I sweated. I heard crackling sounds coming from the bushes Connor made me stand behind him. "Show yourself" yelled Connor.

Out of the bushes came Ron he look out of breath. "My leader, I came to tell you my sympathies and news" said Ron.

Connor approach Ron and put one hand on Ron's shoulder he shake his head and said "it's okay, tears later news now".

"I have gathered our best there isn’t much" said Ron.

            "How many?"

"Over a hundred"

"that's not enough!" said Connor.

"Most are afraid, some stand on his side" said Ron.

"There are no more clans around here that will help most live in Canada and we can't even cross the border" said Connor.

"I will help!" said a young girl voice it was Josephina.

I ran up to her and hugged her. "Is Joseph safe?" I ask.

"Yes, he is...but" there was but I was scared.

"He is missing you so" said Josephina her eyes glowed gold. Connor growled.

            "Connor, son of Ty and Joanna...I come before you in peace" she said in vampire language a language Conner understood very well.

"Peace will not be set unitl Mark is dead!" growled Connor.

"Revenge is never the answer it affects your judgment" said Josephina in her language.

"He murdered my father, attempted murder me" said Connor approaching Josephina.

I held on to Josephina's hand and back up she didn't she stood her ground.

"I know" said Josephina

"hurt my love...mentally"

I push Connor back and said "don't hurt her...she is our friend" I whispered.

"YOUR friend Jessica, your friend" my heart broke into tiny pieces

"don't blame her for anything I have what you need for revenge" said Josephina.

            "What part of help don't you get Connor Wright?...Ty would never teach hate neither did your mother".

Connor's face went soft "can we agree for Jessica sake to be friends until this battle is over?" said Josephina holding out her hand.

Connor hesitated; he look at me and then Josephina and grabbed her hand "for my Jessica" Josephina was pleased.

"Are you sure about this Connor?" ask Ron.

"We need all the help we can get" said Connor. I hugged him I knew he was mad but he made me happy.

            That night I was falling asleep thinking about my Aunt Cara and Joseph. "Fall asleep Jessica" said Connor.

I shut my eyes and drifted to sleep I was dreaming I felt comfortable Connor jump off a log "well no wonder you told me to sleep" my voice echoed he smiled mysterviously.

I felt naughty for a minute he held me tightly. The only time I felt at peace is when I’m dreaming with him.

            "I love you Jessica" said Connor.

I smiled "and I love you" I said

"I'm sorry if I yelled at you" said Connor I kiss his forehead.

He smiled he loves it "wanna know where I loved to be kiss?" whispered Connor.

"Where?" Connor pointed to his neck I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss softly he trembled.

I had butterflies in my stomach spilling out in me.

"Oh, that feels good" he moaned he kiss my neck I trembled "I thought you can't kiss me without losing control" I whispered.

"In dreams it's different" said Connor. He laid me on the grass and removed my shirt.

            I removed his shirt I kiss all over his body. It turned me on "please more" he moaned our bodies moved together his warm body made me sweat. Soon our pants were off and we began to take on a journey exploring our bodies. We moaned and kiss we lost control of ourselves and we couldn't help to say into each other’s ears I love you.


            I woke up in my bed daylight came. I don't believe what I've done maybe I won’t end up pregnant dreams can't come true like that. My heart pound I guess I have to wait till my period. I saw Connor laying there asleep I don't know if he would be ready to be a father. Half werewolf half human will I'll be ready? So many questions "Jessica?" said Connor.

I turned around "it won’t happen only in real life you can" he said I was relived.

"Although it would be nice to have a baby" I whispered.

Connor got up and put his hand on my stomach "me too" he said softly.

            I stroke his face gently his skin burned. "Half werewolf" I said

he nodded 'yes'

"half human?" I questioned

he nodded 'yes' again.

I slowly kiss him it felt as good as in the dream. I kiss his neck and felt him tremble and moan I bite and lick. He wrapped his arm around me and took my shirt off and I took off his. It felt good feeling him all over hearing our moans soon our pants were off. Connor lost control of him for a while and pinned me against the wall.

"Connor" I moaned Connor gained back control.

            Connor bruised me; he stroked my hair saying how sorry he was for bruising me. I cuddle up closer to Connor feeling his soft chest.

"I'm sorry" said Connor softly

"I’m sorry" he repeated

"shh" I shushed him softly.

I felt completely safe I played around with his hair and soft steaming hot checks "thh ow" I burnt myself. Connor kissed my burnt fingers softly and gave me a naughty look. I felt more at ease after my stomach stop fluttering.

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