Chapter sixty-three

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Chapter 63

   She sat on the cold floor as he pace and watched her she wasn’t afraid at all.

"How old are you?" he ask she didn’t answer at first.

"HOW OLD ARE YOU!!!!" he demand “thirteen years old ten months" said Evy.

"Ahhh still a baby" he said she snared under her breath.

"I anit afraid of you" she said proudly.

He leaned on the bars and said "I can be your worst nightmare" "so can I you don’t see me flaunting it...when the moon comes out.....I’m a nightmare" she said.

   He chuckled "ohh I bet you can be" "I tell you what I don’t need the moon to transform I can transform day or night...moon or no moon full or not" he said

"like I daddy is gonna kick your ass" she growled

"lovely choice of words for a little girl....I tell you what your father....the hero that killed my sister to save dying..." Evy's heart dropped to her stomach.

"After this you won’t have your daddy anymore" he said.

"Why are you doing this?" she croak "it's for revenge....but I’ll make you a deal....there is a way to cure your daddy" he said.

Evy look up in hope "you do what I say and he lives....if you don’t bye- bye to both of them" he said.

    "You can't kill my mother she is immortal" she said sadly "ho, ho but there are ways to kill a vampire" he said

"my parents are strong in mind and spirit they will repel one way or another" she said. Devil howled and walked away. Evy kept her honor.


   I stroke his hair a couple of times "keep holding on" I said softly.

"I wanna see my baby girl" said Connor shivered "Shhh". The door furiously opened.

    I knew it was coming; I scene it I kiss Connor quickly "I will come back for'll be ok" I whispered.

"It hurts" he cried "what does?" I ask

"heart break" he said a tear ran down my was wet and warm something I haven’t felt in a while. Devil attempted to grab my arm but I pulled away he grabbed me and I push back! My eyes glowed red and my teeth turned into fangs. I hiss and screamed Connor attempted to get up and save me.

"UNCLE JOSEPH!!!" shouted Evy.

   The clan was lost without me Connor or Evy. They were lost without us, feeling hopeless and abandon.

"I can't even be home with my family...Christmas is almost here" said one wolf.

"I had to lie to my mother telling her I had to go somewhere...the store" said another rubbing his cross across his fingers.

"At least you wolves have families some of us were born to watch our families die" said a she-vamp "anit our fault for that happening" said the wolf.

Her eyes glowed red "SAY THAT AGAIN" she growled.

    "What, what are you gonna do about it!!!" he got in her face.

"Guys this is hard on Joseph and Joanna....don’t forget Connor, Jessica and the little half breed" said the other wolf.

"HEY..." Joseph came up behind him "don’t call my niece a half breed...she is just as normal as us" "I’m sorry Joseph" said the vampire.

"Yeah were sorry" said the wolves.

"I can’t even see my boys..." said Joseph softly.

   "Joseph! Joseph!" shouted Ron

"where are they?" he ask in concern "on Cave of Rhode Island" said Ron.

"What of Connor?" ask Joseph "a lot of pain" he said "Jessica...Evelina?" said Joseph.

"Frighten...but hanging in there" Joseph was relived "I want anybody who can last in water and under....circling that one goes in until I say so" said Joseph. Ron nodded. Some vampires got up and followed Ron.

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