Chapter forty-nine

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"With the sweet comes the sour"

Chapter 49

   Months past Evelina grew she was spontaneous, free spirit and fierce like her father. And like her mother beautiful, smart and ridiculous brave. Evelina was eight months old but she was really seven years old. And she talked like a seven year old. For those few months I forgot all about the Imprints. Our daughter Evelina Cara Wright grew up as a half breed.

   "Baby girl, baby....come on time to go to school" said shaking her awake I managed to keep my control and she knows the story of her mommy and daddy.

I’m still in shock I’m a mom. "Is she up?" ask Connor coming in "I can't pick her up without her fighting me cuz I will fight back" I said with my liquid voice.

Connor came towards the bed. "Well I guess it's up to me then" he said he sighed.

"Ok squirt! Let’s go!" he pick up Evelina and took her to the bathroom.

   "I hate school why can't I be home school like every kid-wolf in the clan?" moaned Evy, "Because mommy doesn’t have the patients!" I shouted.

I went downstairs and made Evy breakfast cereal lost its taste and so did milk. Evy came flying downstairs in a denim skirt and shirt.

"Ok mommy here she is" said Connor.

"Mommy!" Evy ran up to me and hugged me her skin was just as hot as Connor's.

"Eat up and get going to school...I’m gonna pick you up" I said she sat on the chair and started eating.


    "Is it negative or positive?" ask Joseph Joanna was in the bathroom "it's only been ten minutes Joseph...I got a feeling about this one" said Joanna.

"Any symptoms?" he ask "I've been a little nausea but that could be anxiety" shouted Joanna she came out of the bathroom.

"Well?" ask Joseph getting off the bed.

"Ughh...Negative" said Joanna in disappointment.

"That’s the fifth time in four months" said Joanna in anger she threw out the pregnancy test and started hitting the bed.

"JOANNA! JOANNA!!!" Joseph pulled her off the bed. Her eyes glowed dark red and her body trembled.

"I’m sorry, you know I’m sorry" he whispered.

A single tear ran down her face "I wanna keep trying" said Joanna. She had hope in her eyes. Joseph sighed "you really want this?" ask Joseph Joanna nodded her head.


   "Daddy I don’t like going to school all the kids make fun of me" said Evelina.

Connor bent down and said "now you never told your mother and me about that...what do they say?" ask Connor.

"They call me Werewolf girl...I never told them I was a she-wolf...I never told did they find out?" cried Evelina.

Evelina had very similar features of a wolf. Her eyes sometimes would have gold rings around them...Her fangs would extend if someone had an open wound.

    "Well honey you are a wolf....Sometimes they take wild guesses" said Connor.

"But they laugh at me calling me a blood sucker a freak show" she cried "honey your no freak show...your....special most people would die to be like us....your mother was one of let them call you names that use to happen to me too but not anymore...I use to laugh back" said Connor.

Evelina nodded her head she kiss Connor and said "I love you daddy" "I love you too princess" said Connor she ran off to the school. Connor stood off and watched Evelina go inside.

   "Mr. Wright?" said a voice. It was Evelina's teacher "Hi ‘am Mrs. Jenkins I’m Evelina's teacher" she held out her hand to shake Connor's.

"Oh, um yeah Mrs. Jenkins" Connor took out his hand from his pocket and shake hers.

"Is everything ok?" ask Connor.

"Well umm, I need to talk to you about Evelina" said Mrs. Jenkins "Evelina is a wonderful child by all means smart and caring...but also she can be a little aggrieve" said Mrs. Jenkins.

"I’m sorry to say she got that from me" said Connor chuckling slightly. Mrs. Jenkins chuckled carelessly.

   "Yes well I was meaning to tell you, Evelina the other day got a little 'aggrieve' with one of the students she....bite them after they called her a freak show...and she left a strange bite mark almost like a wolves bite" said Mrs. Jenkins.

"Oh well Evelina and I were just talking about that she didn’t mention the uhh...biting part" said Connor.

"Wolf marks huhh?" he sighed "I assure you she not a wolf" he tried not to laugh.

"Well I must say it is a little freaky" said Mrs. Jenkins.

"There is nothing wrong with Evelina she is not a wolf nor is my Jessica me, her aunt or uncle I assure you...maybe there is something wrong with the kid...if he's calling my daughter a freak show...good day" Connor left.

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