~ • The Night Sky~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I felt so dizzy, the moment I woke up I felt as if I had actually gotten drunk because I couldn't also remember what happened last night. My eyes felt swollen... actually it is and for sure it looks bloodshot red right now. When my vision finally cleared I realized that I got changed into a tee and shorts, I guess mom changed me since I really did pass out.

There was a knock on the door which stole my attention, Andre appeared carrying a tray of foods, probably for breakfast. His face showed signs of worries and turned to me with a small comforting smile, he managed to close the door with his feet and slowly walked towards me.

"Aya? Are you feeling well now?"

Aya was what he wanted to call me, he doesn't like saying my whole name because he said my name is long. So when we were young Andre formulated that nickname for me which my older brother, Nathan also calls me.

"What happened last night? Did I pass out?"

"You did, but not because of the alcohol but because of emotional shock" I sighed, patting my bed side, asking him to sit beside me to have a small chitchat.

I'm sure whatever happened last night must've had some meaning, leaving me inside the room isn't just a simple game but probably a plan formulated by either Chanyeol or Andre. I am sure that that wasn't a game, considering the fact that there was someone who came to hug me from behind, someone who had... that effect on me...

"Someone was there in that room doesn't it?"

The moment I mentioned the word 'someone' Andre gave me a very confused look, I thought he was just acting since this brother of mine is a hella good actor. But when I stared in his eyes I knew he really was confused and doesn't know anything about what I was saying.

"Because I know that someone really hugged me from behind, what kind of game were we even playing last night? I don't believe anything you did" I added

"I wish I could answer your question but I don't really have a clue on anything. They just asked me to follow whatever they'll do, it was Chanyeol's main idea, they told me that they're going to leave you inside the room but I refused, the boys tackled me down and by the time I went to check on you, you already passed out"

Then that means it's either Chanyeol or the boys were the real perpetuators, Andre couldn't lie to me because I could easily detect his lies. But it was a surprise to me now that the boys had planned something and left Andre hangging on what type of game they did last night... but if he doesn't know then why was he the one who led me to the door?...

Chanyeol was there, so he probably told him to push me inside the door... But who was that guy in the balcony?...

"We need to get ready now or else we'll be late again" Andre reminded me and got up from my bed, he flashed me a small smile and then walked out of my room.

Once we reached the company building, iwas bewildered to see Xiumin and Lay sitting at the lounge area. They both look like they've been staying here for a few minutes as the sat at the couch cozily. Andre signalled me to head to his office and left me with the two.

"Hey boys, what are the both of you doing here? Do you have any meetings with dad?" The two smiled, standing before me and greeting me with a big hug.

"No, we came here personally to check if you are alright. We got really worried when we saw you pass out in the room." Xiumin spoke with a smile, his cute little cheeks are going to be squeezed by me if he wouldn't stop appearing before me everyday.

"Still thinking about last night?" Lay asked politely

"You both don't know anything as well? Tell me the truth"

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