~ • The Arrival Of The Twins~

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Aleyna's P.O.V

6 months has passed and I'm quite impressed on the results that I'm carrying twins, boys, Nathan, Andre, Jerome, Spencer and even Dennis badly wanted to know the gender of the kids but I refused to know even if my doctor was also very curious. I just wanted their gender to be a surprise to me so that I would've given myself a good shock once they are born.

I caressed my own big bump smiling widely with a tear rolling down, I can't believe it! I'm going to be a mom already! I'm finally going to see my angels! I wiped my tear and fixed my dress, once I finished doing my job, I hurriedly went down the stairs hopping my way down. My stomach hurts from the bounce so I stopped right away but I was giggling when auntie saw me at the end of that stairs.

"Gosh! Aleyna! Don't hop on the stairs! You might lose your balance, it's very dangerous for you and your children!" She said... well scolded me.

Eversince they found out that I'm carrying twins, Auntie becomes more worried and controling so she always tells me to eat this and that, stay here and there, don't do this and do that all the time! But I guess I'm already immune to her continous naggings since I've been having a good time now, I just shooked my head and walked to the dinning room. There I saw those two goofballs playing around.

"Oh! Aleyna! How's the babies?!!" Spencer and Jerome bombarded me with questions excitedly as I sat on the chair, it was hard sitting and standing up because of how big my tummy is but good thing these boys are always ready to help.

"Hey! Stop asking about the babies! Aleyna needs to eat now. Aleyna are the babies alright?" I chuckled once Dennis entered the dinning room as looked at him strangely... he's gotten crazy eversince he found out that I was carrying twins. He really was very happy as if he was the one pregnant and not me.

"You told Jerome and Spencer to stop asking about the babies but then you asked her if the babies are alright? You're quite something Dennis" A very familiar deep voice spoke causing all our attension to shift to the living room

"Oh! Nathan, you're pretty early" Mr. Byun said embrasing Nathan and putting the dishes on the table, we are going to eat!

"Mom told me to go early because my little sis might get contractions soon and will need to be rushed to the hospital plus I'm here to calm her down if ever she gets nervous and scared"

True enough, I can have contractions anytime today so the doctor told me to be extra carefull and tell the others if I can feel any pain. Mom and Dad also apologized welcomed me back home when the accident happened, but they got very disappointed when I told them what Blaze did. I told them that I'll just stay with Mrs. Byun during my pregnancy, which they gladly granted my wish telling me to stay with Blaze and fix everything. Nathan frequently comes here since my doctor had predicted that any day from this week is the time I will be giving birth.

I stared at the empty chair infront of me, after the incident when he pushed me Blaze didn't even went out of his room. Mrs. Byun told me that Blaze would sneak out of his room and will sometimes go to my room and watch me sleep. It was creepy for people but for me... I don't even know what to feel, it would've been a dream come true if he would admire me as I sleep if we were together, if he didn't hurt me and endangered my babies' lives... But I still don't understand why he's still avoiding me when he can talk to me.

I can forgive him I know... but I think it would take so much time...

After we finished eating, I stood up and carried my plate but the plate suddenly smashed on the ground and broke into pieces. Nathan quickly rushed to my side and held my hand, there was a mild to intense pain in my lower abdomen, at first I kept disregarding it thinking that it was just normal contractions but when the intense pain came I let go of the plate and clutched my tummy... my babies...

"Aleyna! Are you alright?" Mrs. Byun asked seemingly troubled seeing how I suddenly stood still and being unresponsive. I felt a tinging sensation of pain and something on my lower body starts to get wet.

"Nathan, I-I think my water broke." I spoke as I tried to practice the breathing technique the doctor told me until I couldn't bear with the pain and started to whimper and groan. Dennis carried me while Nathan starts the engine, Spencer called my parents and they said they're on their way. Everyone was in a chaos but I'm sure I saw Jerome sneaked on the second floor.

Blaze, I need you right now please.

Jerome's P.O.V.

Everyone was outside the operating room waiting for the results if it was time for Aleyna to give birth, her parents were also here but there's someone very important whose missing right now. So far she's still being checked if she's fully dilated or not if she is then she can have the baby right away but if not then we still have to wait.

"Where's Dennis?" Spencer asked, he was sitting on the chair with both set of parents when the doctor arrived.

"I've already examined Ms. Aleyna, her cervix is already fully dilated and I believe that she's ready to give birth. But where's the husband? His presence will really be a great help to the mother to give her strength as she gives birth" The doctor asked while studying our faces, we exchanged glances panickedly until someone answered.

"I'm here"

Aleyna's P.O.V.

I was lying down on the hospital bed still hissing and wincing at the pain I can feel. It was very uncomfortable knowing that I am well naked in the hospital bed not to mention that my legs were spread apart and the coldness of the room gave shivers down my spine, another thing that makes it hard for me to focus was the pain I kept feeling on my stomach. It was almost as if the children were oushing each other as they wanted to see the world.

The doctor examined me earlier and went out to get someone for me to hold, I was still busy trying to breathe not noticing that someone already entered the room. I was nervous but I also wanted the pain to end and to also see my children... I wanted to know how they looked like or what genes did they inherit from me...

"Alright Aleyna, do me a favor okay? Push as much as you can and I'll tell you if I can already see the head" I nod my head as I followed what she said, but I was already tired during my third time. The pain was still there but I was tired of pushing, I was already starting to give up when someone tightly held my hand.

"You can do this Aleyna, I'll be with you" Surprised, I looked up and saw Blaze, his gaze was soft and filled with love. I felt like I was dreaming, as id this wasn't real... because there's no way that Blaze would even want to see me give birth to children which he does nit think is his.

He kissed my forhead lovingly and held my held my hand kissing it again, the pain seems to subside when I finally saw Blaze. He become thin and I might say that he was destroyed, that eventhough his eyes showed love and comfortness there was still pain.

"I'll be with you. I promise" With that I took a deep breath and pushed really hard, I want to see my child already and I want them to see their father beside me. After a few pushes Blaze was still holding my hand and he never did let go.

"I can see the head! Push harder this time Aleyna" I was already catching my breath and I was really tired, it's been an hour but I was still pushing. Blaze noticed how tired I am so he encouraged me more.

"Hear that Aya? We're going to see Yohan and Paige soon, You can do it Aya, I know you can" I stared at him and noticed that he was also nervous just like me, he also wanted to see his child. Gaining the strength and courage, with one last push I heard a joyful cry and saw my first born child, my eyes starts to well up but the pain distracted me again

"It's time for the second one, just relax this will be much more easier than earlier now push" after 10 minnutes of pushing another cry was heard. beads of sweat were already forming on my forhead but Blaze wiped it for me.

"You did good Aya, you can rest now" I found myself slowly embracing the darkness.

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