~ • The Love Surprise~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I have no idea on what I was doing now, my head seems to be in clouds especially with my never wandering thoughts about Blaze and Hannah. Everything became so blur, I couldn't even understand what I wanted, I couldn't even understand what I really meed to do. I don't have any idea where Hannah is, I couldn't contact her, I can't talk to her because I don't know what happened to her. Blaze even seemed very distant, he didn't want to tell me anything, it seems like he didn't even wanted to see me, as if he hates my guts. As if he really doesn't care about me at all even as a friend, it hurts, it made me so worried-


I blinked my eyes and turned to look at the man who had just screamed my name, I got a hint of surprise when I saw Andre leaning on my desk as he tries to make sure that I was looking in his eyes. What on earth is he doing here?

"What are you doing here? I thought you have your day off?" He sighed in relief as he sat down on the couch across mine, he was wearing his suit which he wears to work which really made me feel so confused, dad says he shouldn't come to the building now and should focus on his studies but obviously he didn't follow dad's orders.

"Are you that worried that you haven't even realized that I've been here for almost half an hour. Sis you've been staring into space for half an hour as well, are you sure you can handle work right now?"

I was staring into space for half an hour? I started to look at my surroundings and realized that the paper works should've reviewed and signed were still scattered on my desk just as I left them to be since the morning I came here. My whole head began to hurt just by seeing them in that state so I sighed heavily and rested my head on the shivel chair... I think I'm going crazy...

"I do, I'm sorry I just really was... I don't know"

"Do you want to take a break or two? I can help you if you want, I'll take over first since dad was very worried of your health as well" Andre took some papers and arranged them, trying to pile them in one column to make my desk look more clean.

"I'm sure I'm fine, I'll just rest for a few minutes before continuing this paper works. I think I'm going to have a migraine"

Andre seemed to calm down after hearing my statement, he sighed before sitting on the couch, resting his back and started to get quiet. We both stopped talking for a few minutes, just enjoying the silent treatment we both gave each other, my head started to hurt less especially when I closed my eyes. I seemed to find calmness whenever my younger brother tried to comfort me, he lessens my stress and made sure that I am fine.

"Is it about Blaze? Are you worried of him having a relationship with Hannah? That maybe he's protecting her away from you that's why he's not showing himself to you and avoiding you?"

He hit it right on the spot, I sighed heavily and turned to Andre with a small glare. I didn't want to talk about that to him for now as I'm not even sure about what to feel, I badly wanted to share what I could feel but those are only my thoughts, I have no proof about Blaze and Hannah having a relationship. It was only my inference as I've never seen them together, Blaze started acting strange when we met Hannah. He took her everywhere and now it appears to me that he is protecting Hannah from me, he didn't dare tell anyone where she is even if we got really worried.


"Tell me honestly, I am your brother. I can sense when something is wrong or not and clearly, right now you are suffering from a heartache"

The intensity of passion in my brother's eyes made me look away from him, I can't win a staring contest with him as his aura was really different from all the people I've met. He has this blazing passion that made him look like my father than just my brother, he can scare me at times but made sure that he will be gentle with me.

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