~ • The Vacation~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

Yesterday we did nothing but to good around each other, mom rested the whole day. She refused to talk to me regarding the talk that was interrupted yesterday, I tried to pester her non stop even Blaze did but none of those convinced here to spill the beans. Andre actually took home some paper works so I helped him sort them out for  while, even Blaze had some reports so we got a bit busy even if we're on our house.

Last night I heard dad's car getting home at midnight, I was so tired to even welcome him back home after a week long of him staying at our other house. Andre is still awake I'm sure since he's busy studying, probably next week he wouldn't be able to focus on work so I need to take over now. Dad supports him in whatever field he wants and I think it's my responsibility to inherit the company and help dad in making it more successful.

I got down on the stairs, making my way towards the kitchen first as I saw my mom looking so happy and kind. I haven't seen dad in the living room as well as Blaze and Andre, I think they're still sleeping. The 2 girl dogs reunited with the boy dogs, they started to bark and play along in the kitchen floor.

"Good morning mom, good morning Byul and Mongryong" I hugged mom from behind and smiled when she turned around to greet me. She was busy cooking our breakfast, there were so many food which made me smile.

"Morning sweetheart, feed the puppies so you can have your breakfast as well. Your dad and Blaze are probably having a very heated talk, check on the lover boy for me"

I took the dog's food from the cabinet and started giving them the food, from the messy furs on the puppies' body I knew they just woke up since they also came running down the stairs before Ginger, Nabi and I got down. I poured some food on each of their bowls and petted them as they ate happily.

"Lover boy? Mom I told you Blaze isn't your child" And why does she calls him 'lover boy'? Of all nickname why that? It's a bit gross...

"He isn't, thats why he's your lover"

My lover?! I turned my attention to my mom, half rolling my eyes and half in shock of what she just said. Out of all people it had to really be my mom who ships me with him? My mother really? And she wants to use me so Blaze can be her child as well? Great... my mom really is smart...

"You're impossible to talk to mom"

I took 2 plates from the kitchen and went to the living room, from a few distance I was able to hear half hearted laughters from my dad and Blaze. Dad was sitting on his usual head seat as Blaze was on his left, they were cracking jokes by the time I got there.

"Good morning dad" I kissed his cheek and placed the food on the table, giving them their own breakfast.

"No good morning for Blaze?" Dad asked in question and in amusement, I threw a glare at the said boy but sat beside him so I could be able to eat.

"What's good if you see him face in the morning?"

Dad reacted with a laugh, looking at me joyfully as Blaze felt a bit offended. I gave him an apologetic small smile, to tell him that I didn't mean it and was just trying to get the vibe up.

"As he and I were talking, we got in a bit of a fight. There is a reason why your mom and I decided to let him stay here for more days" Dad started to speak, I listened attentively as I throught it was about the company but the moment he mentioned Blaze I knew something was was a bit off... this is not about the company I swear.

"He's going to stay here for more days? Why?"

"Here's your coffee love" Before dad could speak mom suddenly came to give dad his coffee, the talk was momentarily interrupted so I used this chance to look at Blaze. He turned his eyes away from me and just focused on his plate, something must be wrong so I didn't push it.

"Well your mother and I are going to attend one business trip in Jeju Island, we'll stay there for a week to ask for people to support our business and enter small business shares in our company"

"What does Blaze have to do with that?" I asked, mom settled herself on Dad's right and she was the one who decided to speak

"His parents are also going to come with us, they'll be taking both Jerome and Spencer to stop those two from causing riot in the city especially Jerome who already has the title of 'bad boy'" Of course that guy means trouble, Spencer and Jerome are two different people. Blaze was entirely different as well... All of them are different from each other...

"And so? Why wasn't he included? He should come there with his whole family"

Dad never leave one of us when we're having even a business meeting, it's a must since we are a family. Even if we are now busy with our own lives as we have different interests and jobs, mom and dad made sure that we all are always together no matter what happens. Uncle and Aunt are the same, they never let anyone be left behind so I got confused on why they wanted to leave Blaze behind this time.

"We both needed someone to take over the company for a week, that is why we decided to put you two in one house so you both won't feel lonely and have someone to talk to while we were away"

So... Let me sum this up... mother and father wanted Blaze to stay here with me because I might feel lonely and scared to be alone? So I can have someone to talk to so I wouldn't lose my mind?

"I'm not a child dad, I can take care of myself. Can't you see how I'm doing well?"

"But no one will be with you in this house for a week, you'll feel lonely I assure you sweetheart" What am I? A kid who wants her teddy bear always by her side?

"What about Andre?" I pointed out, there's no way Andre will also come with them, that guy needs more time to review and study.

"He's going to handle something regarding the new project your father signed, it'll be in Busan, somewhere far again"

Now I take back everything I said about my family not leaving one of us... dad basically left me right now... even auntie and uncle did the same with Blaze...

"Mom I'm already old, I don't need a bodyguard or anything besides Aunt Maria is here with me" Yes! I still have one person to be with me!

"I gave her a one week off, it's her sister's birthday and her father's death anniversary" Or not... Mom seemed to do everything on her schedule, as if destiny is playing on her side.

"So why him? Out of all people you know, why him?" I asked in half absurdness... I mean Chanyeol could be here, Chen or even my favorite Xiumin...

"Why do you look so distained while looking at him? You don't hate him that much do you?"

"What measure of intensity do you mean by 'that'?" Mom and dad errupted in laughters, they seemed to be shock to see how much I half hate Blaze right now.

"Blaze and you will not have anyone to talk to if you both stayed in each other's houses, we figured out that you have the same group of friends so it'll be easy for them to come here to meet the both of you at the same time without inconvenience on their part"

"Besides I trust him" Mother added...

"Well I don't " I said half glaring at him, Blaze seemed a bit offended but I smiled and proceeded to eat.

"But everything's already settled we can't just change it, his parents and I already made an agreement so stop being stubborn young lady"

"By the way, don't forget to take care of your dogs. Make sure that they're not going to break anything here" Mom added, I nodded my head and put my head down on the table.

"We'll be leaving tonight, I don't want the both of you to be on that same position as yesterday. Better try a new one"

I half heartedly wanted to laugh as my mother took it as a joke, Blaze seemed to enjoy my mother's taunting on us as she also knew something about that dirty stuff. Plus I really don't need to know the way how and when I was conceived, it makes me feel so embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. We all were laughing more and more with my mother's teasings, and yet it came soon to a stop when my father's loud voice interrupted us.

"What position?"

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