~ • The New Face~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

It's almost been 2 months since Andre decided to go to the States, we got no news from them since Andre wasn't always online and he seems very serious in taking care of Hannah and his studies. It would've been good if we all kept in touch since we were worried ad curious on what has happening to them in the States.

Right now in Blaze and I's relationship we are handling it very good, with everyday we made sure to always tell about each other's problem, to share to our partner what he hated about what she or he did and then reunited in the end. With this Blaze and I are having a good time managing our relationship, it was to prevent a small problem to become something big. We made sure to always talk or see each other before we fall asleep, even when busy we can still call each other and talk for a few minutes.

Our relationship wasn't that perfect, I didn't forgive him right away because the pain of losing him was still embedded in my heart, there was still a scar that haven't been healed and can easily burst open whenever he does something that might hurt me. So far he's still trying to make up with the pain he inflicted on me, he says sorry every night and spends time with me every time he can. He made sure that I wouldn't feel alone and sad just like in the past.

Around 8 I found my phone ringing non stop, I momentarily turned my head to the side and lost my focus on the papers I've been scanning since earlier. It was Blaze who kept calling, I didn't even realize that he's been actually calling me for 2 time, this call had been ringing for 2 minutes as well. I laughed momentarily knowing how much late I was from the weekly dinner we both have, he doesn't fetch me anytime as I refused letting him have his own time rather than always being with me.

"Yes love? What do you need?" I smiled, waiting for him to answer on the other end. I placed my phone down and placed it on loudspeaker, I need to finish these papers so I can go home now.

"What time are you going home? By that I mean your house, I want to have dinner with you"

It was quite cute thinking that Blaze had been initiating his house as our home, even before my parents he's very bold to tell them that one day he's going to take me to his house and live them. He also promised that he's going to build a new house for us and for our hopefully future family and children to grow up having their own house. At this age we both are now I think it is but time to finally settle down and really form a family.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to finish some paper works then I'll be with you later on"

"Come home right away, I want to see you and pull you in my arms"

Another thing I didn't know about him was that he can get very clingy, after the heated night we shared on his bed we never laid on the same bed again but that doesn't mean that the couch is forbidden to use. He kept pulling me beside him, touching my back, my thigh, everything on my body even as we just sit down and do nothing. Whenever I wanted to leave to even just get a glass of water he refused to let me go, at times like this I can see how clingy our future children might be.

"You'll do that later on. Just wait for more minutes"

"If I can't stop myself then I would've already drove towards your office and bring you until we reach your house"

His voice was very deep and husky, that made me feel so giddy knowing well that if this seducing thing keeps going on and on I think I would get very aroused and couldn't think properly. He keeps trying to seduce me whenever he's on the phone, I didn't know what happened to him but it was a bit embarrassing knowing how someone might hear his words.

"Don't try to seduce me tonight, I just wanted to eat and sleep once I'm done for work"

"Just come home early love, let's have dinner with our parents"

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