~ • The Brutal~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

It was so painful to hear words from the man you love whom you thought will protect you and love you, I thought he was going to believe in me just as what he had said and promised in the past. His words affected me so badly as I didn't have the willpower to stand and face him, they hurted my heart with every word he spoke.

"I hope I'm there with you Aleyna, I sorry I wasn't able to protect you" I sighed and looked at my phone, it would've been a great day if Blaze would be here so we can talk with my brother as well.

"You already did enough Andre, I thank you so much for placing yourself to where Blaze should've been right now. And I know that it would be better if Hannah will come with you, I know hoe much you'll protect her no matter what happens"

"Once I get home Aleyna I will make sure that he will have it, even if he's the father of your child I will seriously kill him if he ever lays a hand on you again. Tell me if he hurts you physically of verbally"

Andre decided to call me after 2 months, he said he really was very busy in the past and forgot about us. I can't blame him as well as he was very adamant in learning and it was good for him to take care of Hannah who will surely need his help and his presence by her side. I wanted to talk to Hannah but with her condition I didn't want to put a burden to her by telling her my situation, she really wanted Blaze and I to reunite but right now it's a disaster.

"It's okay Andre, stop putting things on your shoulders and fighting for sure wouldn't solve anything. I think I really just need to talk to Blaze for him to believe me, after all I know that I am not lying at all"

I wouldn't feel down as I know I am not lying, the only challenge I have right now is how to convince Blaze that I really did not cheat. It might really be hard but I need to prove myself.

"I think you should talk to the man whom you helped, he will be a great witness for Blaze to believe you. Do you know his name? Know where he lives?"

"Let me just remind you that we are not in a court, I don't need any great or strong witness to prove to Blaze that his thoughts were wrong. I know his name and I've tried searching for where he is, he lived in Sooyoung's hotel but when I called earlier he had already checked out"

"Want me to help you? For sure Nathan can also send some men to find that guy, even if dad doesn't want anyone to contact you we all can still do that for you" I shooked my head, Andre's looking very annoyed.

"Nathan talked to me earlier, he revealed that dad just wanted Blaze to take full responsibility. He also wants me to stay in Blaze's house so that my child would be able to meet him even if it was just my first semester. Dad doesn't hate me, he really was just thinking of my child"

I thought dad was really angry at me, I thought he was disappointed but when Nathan told me everything I realized that he actually cares for me so much, I was so thankful of him, I really was so glad that I have him as my father.

"Who cares if he lose that bastard? There are so many good guys out there who can be a father figure for your child"

"It's different, you won't feel complete if you'll only have a good father figure as you grow up, it would be better if I could still try to talk to Blaze. He is still the father and he should know how to take care of his child" I defended, having a father figure is completely different from meeting and knowing your true father.

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