~ • The Boys~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

Dad tried to send me more paper works today but good thing he withdrawed everything, according to him I need to help Andre first regarding the company finances since there are really so many funds to distribute. Andre handed me half of his paper works and I can say that I am proud of my brother as he still haven't had a migraine after having these much loads of work here plus considering that he's also learning... what a great guy...

A ring from my phone brought me back to reality, it was Jessica Jung, once of my best friend who is also, of course and heir and is managing a company of the name Blanc and Eclare. A fashion designing company as she has the talent of drawing and styling, I immediately answered the call since it's been quite a while since we last talked with each other.

"Hello Auntie!!!" A child voice greeted me at the other line, a smile instantly appesred on my lips and my heart melted due to the warm welcome.

"Hello my favorite nephew! How are you? Are you doing okay?"

"Yes I am, mommy is busy cooking breakfast right now but I missed you so I wanted to call you" My heart melted once again, this boy could really make my heart flutter and yet he's just 3 years old!

"How sweet of you my dear, since auntie misses you too I will come and visit you soon okay?" I received a small hum from the other line and soon he dropped the call, I smiled and thought for a minute before gathering all the papers and heading towards my dear brother's room.

He was busy reading files, wearing his reading glasses, well if this guy isn't my brother then I will really fall for him... too bad he's my brother but I am happy to have him as one, he takes care of me as if I am their youngest. I knocked on his glass door which stole his attention, I opened the door and handed him all the papers back.

"I'll leave you in charge for a few hours, I'll be back later" I walked out of his room only to stop when I heard him yelling.

"Where are you planning to go? Does dad know?"

"He'll know, besides I'm going to meet my favorite nephew"

"Why can you skip paper works and I cannot?" Winking and giving him a flying kiss just made him irritated but sooner and later I know his annoyance will be forgotten because of all the work that needs to be done.

"Because you're studying to be a lawyer as well, be a good laywer so you can defend this company well. After all you might be the heir when I'm going to step down"

I always use me stepping down as the heir to tease Andre since he clearly doesn't want to be a part of the company as well, he wanted to find his own dreams which our brother Nathan did. Dad supported him but he needs to prove himself first so he's being the temporsry CFO until I become the CEO.

"Just say hi to Ace for me, I missed that kid as well"

"Will do, take care young brother" I sent him a flying kiss before walking towsrds the parking lot, it's actually a good thing that we went to the company separately or else he wouldn't be able to go home and instead hail a cab.

I quickly drove towards Jessica's house, the guard already knows me and recognizes my car si he immediately let me in without even informing Jessica. I parked my car on their garage only to find one different car, this is the first time I've seen Jessica have a black car, she hated that color and when did she buy a new one? Unless someone is here inside her house...

From the outside I could already hear different squeals amd giggles from Ace, for sure it is Jessica who is playing with him. So without further a do, I knocked on the door, hoping to be opened up by Ace so I could surprise him with tickles. The door opened but I kept my eyes fixated downwards since I was expecting to see Ace but the moment I saw long legs... I knew this person is man, and then I lifted my gaze to see...

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